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When the sorting hat called out my house I went to sit with Layla but I left my brother alone with two people we just met hopefully he survives.

When the rest of the kids get sorted Dumbledore got up and said "let the feast begin"  food appeared on every table and all the first years were amazed and so was I. I started eating everything that looked good to me which that is rarely I'm very picky. When I was eating I felt a set of eyes on me actually a couple sets of eyes. I looked around and found my brother looking at me, but I found some other people from slytherin looking at me. I found Draco and one of his friends looking at me. "What you looking at malfoy" I say looking over at him "nothing potter" he responded then looked away but I noticed his friend didn't for awhile.

After dinner our head boy showed us to our dormitories. We followed him and he warned us about the moving stairs. We arrived to the dormitories and he let us in "this is our common room boys left, girls right do whatever I don't care bye." He said then walked  away.

Me and Layla headed to our dorm which we happen to also share with pansy and we thought another girl too but the bed stayed empty. "So do you girls find anyone you like yet" pansy asked us as we were all sitting in our own beds in our night gowns. "I don't I don't know about Layla" I told her as we both looked over at Layla "no I don't right now" she told us. "Well I do but I don't know if he'll notice me" pansy told us as she smiled and giggled.

"Well I'm gonna head to bed guys I don't want to be late to class tomorrow" Layla said and we agreed so we went to bed.

Next day...

I was in profesor McGonagalls class writing down what's on the board while she is a cat on the table. I heard the doors open and see my brother and Ron walking in I go back to writing so I don't miss anything but I listen to the conversation they are having with her. She warned them and then went back to her desk.

In potions I was sitting in the middle of Layla and pansy in front of us was Draco and his friends we were waiting for profesor Snape. Then someone barged in through the door which was him "there will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class" he says while walking in then turning to us "as such I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However for those select few who possess the predisposition I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the sense. I can tell you how to bottle fame brew glory and even put a stopper in death" he says looking at me then at Draco.

"Then again" he continues "maybe some of you have come to hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention" he says emphasizing the last three words looking straight at Harry who he was writing I don't know what or why but he is being stupid.

Hermione nudged him and he stopped writing, "Mr.Potter, our new celebrity" Snape said very slowly to him.

"Tell me what what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood" he asked him. Hermione quickly raised her hand Harry looked at her then back at Snape before shaking his head.

"You don't know? Well, let's try again where Mr potter would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" Snape asked again Hermione quickly raised her hand again " I-i don't know sir" Harry spoke up. Then Snape asked another question I didn't listen to.

I raised my hand after his third question. "Yes, Ms. Potter" he said seeing my hand up "I have a couple questions for you" I told him but more like demanded him. "What is it Ms potter" he snapped back.

"First of all before you give Harry a pop quiz on our first day shouldn't you teach us first, second if you can clearly see Hermione over there knows the answer then why won't you call on her?" I simply asked him. After I finished talking everyone started whispering probably because I talked back to a professor.

"SILENCE everyone, Ms Harley could you meet me after class for this discussion" he asked me after everyone quite down. "Sure why not" I told him.

He kept going with his lesson but I noticed a certain blonde kept looking back at me but to my surprise also a brunette next to him.

"Hey I'll see you later Layla I got to go see Snape" I told my friend. "You better not get expelled or suspended" she said back to me before going with pansy and walking away.

"Hi professor Snape I'm here like you wanted" I said walking up to him while he is sitting at his desk. "Ms Harley potter could you explain to me your unnecessary questions" he said to me.

"No I think you heard me" I told him. "You know Ms potter at first I didn't see why they put you in slytherin but now I do your a lot more confident and mean then your brother"he said. "Well thank you, so I'm not in trouble" I asked.

"No, but don't let it happen again and let me inform you I knew your mother you look just like her" he told me. "Well thank you ig I'm gonna head to my next class now so bye"

I walked to study hall to find Layla she was with pansy they waved over at me to join them but first I had to do something.

"Harry" I called walking up to him, "your welcome I saved you and I didn't get in trouble either" I told him taking a seat next to him.

"Wait you didn't get in trouble like at all?" Ron asked me "nope he said that I look like my mother and that he understands why they put me in slytherin" I told Ron.

"Well I got to go see ya" I said before leaving but when I was walking away I hear Ron say something. "Harry honestly she scares me" "yeah she kinda scares me too" I heard Hermione agree with him.

A/n: fourth part took a while to write since I had a lot of testing and competitions this week but it's ok.
How are yall doing in school? I got good grade but they could be a lot better.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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