Taehyung smiles and whips the leash at the horse. "hYYAaaa."
Taehyung rode off into the village with Jimin. In the heart of the village, the prince stopped near a fruit stall. They duo got down as the scent of nectar sweet fruit caught their attention.

Taehyung walked up to the front where he saw the boy, with a big smile on his face as he sold a bag of apples. Pretty eyes that also smiled in delight, a soft tipped nose, and the look completed with the most beautiful pair of lips that were adorned by a mole underneath the bottom lip.

The prince made his way to the boy cutting in front of all the people that were fighting to get their fruit before it sold out.

"Y- your majesty! What brings you here?" The boy asks, bowing forth.

Taehyung just stares into the eyes of this ethereal male. Not a word came from his mouth. Jimin saw the prince star struck and nudged him.

"Sorry about that, our prince here was just astonished by what you had to offer and might have got lost in thinking." Jimin said, rubbing the back of his neck making the boy 'ohh'.

"Ahem- yeah, I'm absolutely dazzled by what you have." Taehyung says, trying to cover up the faint blush that arose on his cheeks.

"But your majesty, we don't have much exotic fruit instead of the mangos that were just sent here this morning. They're pretty much sold out right now, but if you want some then I can arrange some for you the next time you come by?" The boy said.

"Oh, umm, it's okay, I'll just take a banana." Taehyung said handing off 3 dollars. (What kind of banana?😏)

"Your majesty, this is too much for what you've bought." The boy says, shoving the change back into Taehyung's hands.
"It's fine, keep the change." Taehyung said smiling, giving back the money, "May I know your name?"

"Jeon Jungkook." The boy chimes

"Well thank you Mr.Jungkook, I'll be back soon!" The prince said, with the banana in one hand and waving his other hand at Jungkook while getting dragged by Jimin back to his horse.

"Jimin, did you see him? How pretty he looked?" Taehyung said while leaning back on a tree stump in the castle courtyard as he took a bite of his banana.

"Uh huh, and I also saw you acting very 'unprincly'." Jimin said as he rolled his eyes at Taehyung.

"Oh shut up Jimin, today's the first time I talked to him. I feel like I achieved something." The prince said, staring off into the sky.

Jungkook was the real definition of beauty.

"Yeahhhhhh, you're hopeless." Jimin said while pointing a finger at Taehyung.

"Hey! I'm not hopeless! Just wait and see stable boy, I'll have that pretty boy
trapped in my charm soon." Taehyung said, stomping his feet like a bratty child.

"Let's see, bratty little prince." Jimin smirks.
Today Taehyung was in horse riding class, watching his mentor as he was struggling to stop the horse that just butted him off its back, and was now running in circles around the court. held onto the horse's leash and jumped onto the saddle. He gave his mentor a sly smirk before directing the horse towards the front gates.

"Kim Taehyung! Come back you rascal!" His mentor shouts. But all goes in vain as Taehyung rides out into the village once more with the most idiotic grin.

'Jungkook. What a pretty name, for a pretty person.' Taehyung's thoughts wander to the fruit boy as he slaps the leash of his horse, earning a faster pace.

When Taehyung reaches the fruit stand, he sees Jungkook with a pout on his face while swatting away flies from his fruit.

"Hey! Your majesty!" Jungkook calls out to Taehyung as he sees the young prince standing in front of his stall.

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