It takes you so much time to explain everything to her. You told her everything that happened between you and taehyung from the first day to your last meeting. As you were sitting on your bed lowering your head and she was sitting in front of you holding your hands. She nodded her head.

" Y/n you should not think in this way. It's not right " she said as you look up to her. Your eyes were filled with confusion.

" What do you mean? You think I'm wrong? " You ask as she smiles at you before replying to you.

" Look y/n, before thinking about that person or situation about what we are seeing in front of us, we should also take a look at the opposite side of that " she said and stand up on her place.

" Maybe, in that situation the place you are standing must be wrong and faulty! What you are seeing is totally what you should not believe?" She said with a creative expression just like a mother telling her small daughter a beautiful story of a price and his princess.

" I- i don't understand " you said as you look at her face.

" Think from his side too. Resemble yourself as  him then think. " She said and took her steps to the door finally back facing me. As you kept looking at the place she was before. Thinking deeply about what she just blabbered.

" What about jungkook? " She said and I heard her chuckle from the distance. And I see a smile on her face as i shook my head not knowing what to say.

" For now come quickly he is waiting " she said before closing the door as you nodded your head slowly knowing she won't see it.


He was placing numerous things in front of me as I was catching up Everything came in front of me.

" This one i like, I will take this. " As he looked at me after taking the beautiful dress from my hands. He eyes on it before replying to me.

" Yes it's beautiful, your choice has always been great. " He said and smiled at me. Gosh how come? When he becomes so formal and gentlemen. Fake. He would never been like this before. I know this act is just for now. I would not be surprised if he slammed his hand on the table right in front of me and yelled at me for not glancing on the dresses he chose for me.

As you were thinking you heard a plastic bag placed in front of you.

" Anything else? " I just took that plastic bag and heard jungkook saying no to the staff. I walk forward to him following me. As we reach his car.

" Just pack me some hotdogs I'm not in the mood for to eat right now I'll eat that in my bedroom peacefully. " You said and looked at him to not sound rude. He nodded following your order as you can see he wasn't happy with the idea of yours.

" You are staying so much in your bedroom lately, what happened? " He asked me as he started the car.

Because I'm not able to digest the fact that we are getting married. I thought. Only thought and replied with nothing. Neither he forces nor he wants to know probably as long as I'm under his hands.

The car ride was silent i wonder what got into him. Does he have a twin brother whom he had sent to me as a replacement for him for a few days. Not possible though stop thinking.

As my thinking chain stops when he takes a turn inside my mansion. I immediately opened the car door after he parked his car in front of a door. I grabbed the plastic bag and went inside the mansion before giving him a small glance, I didn't smile obviously I still hate him.


In all this period, I was thinking about taehyung. Even though I shouldn't, I was thinking. If I was a poor girl and taehyung was a rich guy and we both have a fall in love with each other...
I would probably have said yes to him and quickly moved to his house and lived like a princess in his house. Haha i laugh at my own imagination.  Maybe i should think a little seriously.

poor but pure // Taehyung ff //Where stories live. Discover now