Mystery Girl (Keefe POV)

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He laughed. "You may be the biggest news to hit the academy since the Great Gulon Incident three years ago--which, by the way, I had nothing to do with." He smirked at her--and knew he was showing off a little. "But that's not a bad thing. Personally, I've always enjoyed being the center of attention."

She looked at him, studying him, taking him in. She seemed confused—or nervous, he really couldn't tell which. At least not without physical contact. But the fact that he was picking up on her emotions at all without contact was a new concept for him, especially since he didn't know her. It was always easier to read and understand someone's emotions if there was some familiarity.

So Sophie's emotions must be super strong.

And her eyes...

He hadn't given much thought to the fact that humans didn't all have varying shades of blue eyes, but if he had, he knew he would have assumed that brown eyes would be pretty boring.

He could not possibly have been more wrong.

He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but there was something very warm and inviting about her brown eyes.


"Where are you supposed to be?" She asked him.

"The Universe. I ditch whenever I can. Lady Belva has the worst crush on me. I mean, I can't really blame her"--he gestured to himself--"but still, it's awkward, you know?"

Okay, he was definitely showing off a little.

But something about this mystery girl had him desperate to keep her talking, hold her interest, figure her out. Especially when he looked more closely—finally taking in more than just her pretty face and remarkably non-blue eyes—and saw that she seemed to be splattered with some strange substance.

Besides, his joke seemed to pay off.

He noticed the corners of her lips twitch, as though she were fighting a smile.

"And now I get to meet the mysterious new girl," he added, "so I'd say ditching paid off pretty well."

Really well.

She blushed. "I'm hardly mysterious."

"I don't know. You won't tell me why you're not in session. Don't think I haven't noticed."

She dropped her gaze to her feet. "That's because it's too embarrassing."

"I love embarrassing!" She still didn't say anything, so he laughed and continued. "Will you at least tell me where you're supposed to be?"

She sighed. "Alchemy with Lady Galvin."

"Ugh, she's the worst. I had her as a Level Three--and she hated me, probably because I turned the lab table to silver. But she said she wanted me to impress her." He winked, wanting to impress Sophie, too.

For some strange reason.

"Still, I wouldn't mention that we're friends if I were you."

Sophie's eyebrows shot up in surprise at the mention of 'friends'.

And he picked up on a slight mood shift. Was it confusion again? Or...disbelief, maybe?

That didn't really make sense, unless she was just confused as to why a stranger was acting like they were already friends.

But he really wanted to be.

There was something special about this new girl, and he wanted to find out more.

And think of all the stuff she knew about humans!

He could learn so much!

"So, what, did Lady Galvin kick you out or something?" he asked.

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