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"Jonii what the-" she cut me off with a kiss I don't know what got into me, my dick got hard as a rock, she was pressed up against me so I knew she could feel it.

"Please" she said in a soft voice, the look in her eyes alone told me she really wanted it, but why tho?

"You sure?" She nodded her head like a kid when asked if they want candy.

"Aight turn to the wall." She was so obedient, I mean no talk back.

I lined up with her I went straight in.
"FUCK!" she was tight as hell.
Inside her was so warm and wet, felt like I was about to descend off this earth.

Jonii's pov
"You like yo dick" she kept on slamming into me,all that came out my mouth was gibberish.
"Answer me pretty." My legs were shaking and I felt this feeling in my stomach,right when I was about to cum she pulled out ,it felt so good but I couldn't handle it, l feel like I'm going crazy like I'm addicted.

"When you start behaving yourself and respecting me you'll get it for how ever long you want." She pecked my lips and smacked my ass then left.
Fuck why she do this to me now.

Alexis pov
Damn she got a ass and her lips soft asf.
I never thought she of all people would listen so well, the way she didn't even back talk me, l wonder if she into dat bdsm shit.

It's finally finished 😭
Im sorry for the long ass wait and short ass chapter but I'll make up to yall.
If you have any ideas you want me the add into the book just comment and I'll try them out😊.
Remember to eat and get rest byeeeeee:))

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