A Traitor Among Terrorists (Part 1)

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~ T ~ I ~ M ~ E ~ ~ ~ S ~ K ~ I  ~ P ~

(Tanizaki, Yosano, and Kenji are in the mafia corridor where Mori helped them escape too)

Mori-san's words fill my mind. He wants an agency member. He wants one of the agency members to transfer over to the Port Mafia.

He and Yosano are arguing now but I can't pay attention to it. All I can think of is who he'll take. I make a list of all the agency members. Would he take the president? Fukuzawa-sensei might make that sacrifice if it didn't mean completely sacrificing his morals.

Ranpo - No, the president would never allow it, and Ranpo has no combat or even many practical skills.

Kunikida - No, the idealist would sooner die than let his ideals fall.

Yosano - I don't know what history she has with Mori, but if he did pick her she wouldn't go easily. Maybe?

Dazai - Mori-san has made obvious requests for Dazai to return, but every time he has honoured his answer. With how stubborn Dazai-san can be it makes sense that Mori-san would have him return to his own volition rather than deal with that stubbornness. Most likely not.

Atsushi - Perhaps. He's fierce and has an intense drive. A gift like the tiger could be of great use to the port mafia, but with how much he hates Akutagawa and the mafia in general, he could be troublesome to work with.

And his entire existence depends on doing good to earn the right to live. It will probably depend on whether Mori-san thinks he can break him or not. It might be easy enough, to tell him that usefulness is more than doing good, that as long as he pulls his weight in the Port Mafia he has a right to live. But he's unstable and risky.

Kenji - the farm boy is strong but he's so inherently good I don't even think he's under consideration.

Kyouka - No. Her will is like Yosano's, iron strong, but with the stubbornness of a young teenager on top of that. Mori-san seems to have let her go, or else Akutagawa wouldn't have let her get away when the agency attacked the PM headquarters.

That only leaves me.

Something jumps in my stomach. My ability has already been proven useful for assassination. For me, it's not about what I have but what I don't. I may not be cruel, but I know that sometimes people have to die. I've accepted it. I'm quiet, I don't make scenes. I'm not afraid to do what needs to be done, to be the one to dole out death when it is necessary. I would have killed Mori-san, and Ivan, had I been powerful enough. I wanted to kill the virus ability user, Alexander Pushkin. When we realised it was him I remember I was ready to end it right there but he started shooting and hit Akutagawa just before I activated Light Snow. And then he started running and I wasn't fast enough. I wish I was. I wish I could've killed him for what he did, causing us that trouble, pitting our organisations against each other, and putting Naomi in danger. The same feelings of rage that had my hands around Higuchi's throat.

That's what I've realised these past few weeks. Going to sleep every night, forcefully pressed into Naomi, staring out at those five buildings.

You see curiosity is one of those things that eats at you.


With Fitzgerald-san's deal on the table, the look of determination on Yosano's face worries me. I may not feel I fit in with the agency but I don't want any of them to be killed.

(I'm not sure when I began referring to the agency as them instead of us. But All I know is I don't feel like part of them anymore, I may not be a mafioso but I've separated myself from them.)

Tanizaki Junichirou Port Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now