Part 2

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Price: Good. König and Candle need to get the bomb on control. Save people. And kill if need, only.

Ghost: Listen to it, Candle.

Candle: Say it to yourself.

Price: Ghost and Soap, you both will be in Milena's. Threatened her to get details about Makarov.

Soap: Sure.

Price: Gaz and Stars... Stars, you'll cover Ghost and Soap while Gaz cover Königvand Candle.

Gaz: Sounds easy to me.

Stars: You make it on purpose...

Price: I had no choice, son. König is in our team.

Gaz: Come on Stars. It's not thet bad... Plus, you're with Ghost and Soap!

Stars: Whatever.

Price: Good. Get going now, soldiers.

Ghost: Come on, Stars. You're with us.

Stars: Sure, L.T... //Stare at König//

König: //Laugh as he walk away//

*In the battlefield. (Crossfire)*

Stars: This is call sign Stars- how copy?

Ghost: Solid.

Stars: Took you long enough to answer.

Ghost: Milena's not here. Might had run away.

Stars: Ugh... Spot her.

Ghost: Where to?

Stars: Upstairs.

Soap: She walk?

Ghost: Thought so. Aries, you see some people around?

Stars: Just a guard.

Ghost: Copy that. Johnny, you go to the other side of the building.

Soap: On it. //Walk away//

Soap: Fuck.

Ghost: Something's wrong, John?

Soap: There's fucking a lotof wire that could shockme if I step in.

Ghost: Don't use taht way, Johnny. Try figure something. Aries?

Stars: Right, Simon. Let's see...

*Meanwhile with Gaz and others*

Gaz: //Shot the enemies// How in this fucking world do they saw me too?!

Candle: Don't blame me you idiot! //Killing enemies// König, where are you?! Do you even copy?!

König: I DO!!! //Killing enemies//

Gaz: Fuck- This is Gaz, roger to Bravo 06!


rice: Bravo 06 here. How copy?

Gaz: Solid! Captain, we need cover!

Price: How so?

Candle: I accidentally attracted them!!

Price: ... That's why I don't need a women in team...

König: You would regret saying that.

Price:  Do they spot you, Gaz? Where are you? I should send the other team..

Gaz: They spot me but now I'm stuck in a bloody rope!

Price: Again? God... Hokd on, Gaz. Candle, you okay?

Candle: Killed them.

Price: ...oh. How about you, König?

König:.. Brutal ... I regret joining this team...

Price: I see... Try help Gaz now  Help on a way...

König: Roger //Go help Gaz//

Price: 141 team A . Captain Price here. How copy?

To be continued...

Task Force 141 (COD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora