Part 1

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There was once a war... That includes some countries... One of them is the UK, who helped along in the war... And here... Is the story of their military.
Task Force 141.

Candle: //getting ready// Finally... This
thing is harder to wear then I

Stars: Took you long enough.
//Already done a long time ago//
Let's go now. They're waiting for
us. //Walk out//

Candle: Geez. Cold much. //Walk out//


Soap: They're too long.

Ghost: Whenever there's a women, it
always took a long time, Jonny.

Gaz: He had a point.

Price: Go fucking move your arse,

Gaz: //Move away// Why me and not
you, Captain?

Price: That's why they call me captain
and you're a sergeant. 💢

Gaz: Geez.

Stars: We're here.

Candle: Sorry we're late.

Soap:You don't sorry us, soldier.
We're so fucking late.

Candle: Then you should teach me
how to fucking wear this
thing. 💢

Ghost: You're late too, Stars.

Stars: I'm already done more than two hours ago. She's the one who's late.

Gaz: Stars naver lie. //Nods//

Candle: You really fight against me,, huh?...

Price: Let's get going, soldiers. //Get in the plane//

*After they all arrived at the place*

Price: Come on, we're talking about plans.

Ghost: As long as this "killing machine" isn't with us.

Candle: Ugh... //Rolling her eyes//

???: Don't worry, I'll be with you. //Touch Candle's shoulder//

Candle: // Turn around//

König: Hello. You look beautiful today.

Candle: Thanks //takes König's hand off//

Stars : //Doesn't trust König// Captain,
I want to be with her-

Gaz: //Cover stars's mouth// with me? Yeah sure! Captain, we'll be together.

Price: //nods// Good. So, Ghost and Soap?

Soap: Want to get along, L.T?

Ghost: You say it, sergeant.

Price: Perfect. I'll be nearby. If something happens, roger us.

König: Sure~ //smirk at stars//

Stars: //Look at König the look back at Gaz// //hit Gaz with his elbow//

Gaz: Ouch- What the fuck?!

Stars: Why in the fucking universe did you bothered me?!💢

Gaz: Fine. I'm sorry, okay?

Stars: Whatever.

Price: Okay, as you well know, König is here with us to help. Treat him well.

Stars: With pleasure~ //take his knife//

Price: I mean no fighting, Stars.

Stars: Ugh...

Gaz: Give me that. //Take the knife//

Price: //sigh// Sattle down, okay? Let's continue to the plan. König and Candle will be in enemies basement base, when it's all clear. Gaz and Stars need to cover them.

Stars: I'll just cover Candle.

Price: //Sigh// Stars, the person you need to covering include both Ghosts and Soap.

Stars: Ugh... Fine...

To be continued...

Task Force 141 (COD)Where stories live. Discover now