A Remembrance of Red

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Later that day a guard came to Jazlyn's room, informing her that Bella wished to speak with her. Jazlyn wasn't sure how useful she could be, but after the translating necklace failed Jazlyn was inclined to fulfill any favor Bella might ask of her before the departure back to Agrabah.

The guard escorted Jazlyn through the frost-covered garden to Bella's home. Jazlyn found her inside stoking the flames in the fireplace.

"Oh, you're here. Will you be joining us for Emilio's celebration of life?" Bella said with a hopeful grin.

"Uhm... you mean his funeral?" Jazlyn muttered.

"Yes," Bella said.

Jazlyn's heart sank deep, drowning in an ocean of guilt and resurfacing on an island of self-loathing. She locked her eyes to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Bella said.

"I feel bad." She blurted out finally, hesitantly and quickly. "I mean he's dead because of me."

Bella took a deep breath and held Jazlyn by the shoulder. "Listen to me, this is part of the job cheri. Soldiers fight for us and they may die for us, but we're worth dying for. You have to believe that or no one will."

Jazlyn gawked at Bella with a horrified expression. She shrugged Bella off of her and she stepped away anxiously. "What's wrong with you, I just shouldn't care!"

"I know that sounds heartless...but-"

"That's because it is," she said.

Bella glared at Jazlyn and sighed impatiently. "How many Agrabhic soldiers can you call by name?" she asked.


"How many soldiers in your army do you know by name? List them for me." Bella said placing her hand on her hips.

"Uhm General H-"

"No Generals. How many privates, foot soldiers, ship hands, chefs, medics?" Bella pressed.

"Uh I-i don't know." Jazlyn stammered.

"But if Agrabah went to war tomorrow you would expect those soldiers to fight and die for you?" Bella said.

"They wouldn't be fighting for me, they'd be fighting for their country," Jazlyn said. "Yes, but you are their Queen, you rule their country, and appoint their commanders. So they are fighting on you're behalf, and dying on your behalf."

Jazlyn badly wanted to rebuttal but she couldn't find any words.

"You need to give people something to believe in," Bella said touching her heart. "Do you really expect Gaellic sailors and soldiers to voyage and escort a Queen they've never heard of to a land they've never been to."

Jazlyn shrugged. "I guess not, but I can't really do anything about that."

"But you can though! Introduce yourself. Show them what a Queen you are! Earn their favor."


"Be open, be kind, be charming. Just be yourself, I have faith in you." Bella smiled.


Jazlyn was backstage rehearsing her speech, staring at the Agrabhic writing, anxious about how the spoken version would be interpreted in Gaellic. She rubbed the gem in her necklace and hoped for the best.

There was a knock on the dressing room door. Jazlyn opened the door. It was Bella.

"Hey, you ready," Bella asked.

"I think so," Jazlyn said with a deep breath out.

"Stagefright?" Bella asked.

Jazlyn nodded silently.

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