A Princess and a Thief

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Jazlyn looked over her shoulder after the third right turn around the block and noticed that the man in the Royal Guard uniform was still behind her. He'd been following her. She quickly ducked into the crowd of people shuffling through the market and she hid herself amongst a group of women wearing similar head covers.

When she found an opening, she bolted down an alley that was a dead end. She ran up the alley wall and then lunged off a window sill and hoisted her body up to the roof. She laid flat on the roof and peaked her head over the ledge looking down at the market. The tall Royal guard towered over the crowd. He walked through the market searching around each vendor's stand. She watched as he walked past.

"Yes." She celebrated to herself, she turned onto her back and looked up at the clear sky for a moment. She got to her feet and saw the royal guard pulling himself onto the roof. "Aw shit," she muttered.

The guard dashed at her and pulled her onto his shoulder. "Nowhere to run! Nowhere to hide!" the guard taunted

Jazlyn hammerfisted his back and shoulders, shrieking with laughter. "Okay, okay. You made your point. Put me down!"

Aldini dropped Jazlyn back on her feet, the stubble on Aldini's face scratched Jazlyn's arm as he put her down. "That was quick thinking jumping onto the roof like that."

"How'd you find me?" Jazlyn said

"Because you were admiring your own handiwork when you looked over the roof." Aldini pointed at the bazaar selling mirrors. "I could see you pretty easily from there."

The sun reflecting into Jazlyn's eye from the mirror added injury to insult. "Damn."

"But not bad, you should be okay on your own soon enough," he said.

"Don't tease."

"I'm being serious," he said.

Aldini extended his palm out "...shall we go back Your Majesty?" he asked with a big stupid grin.

Jazlyn glared at him through the side of her eye then playfully punched Aldini in the arm. "Don't call me that!" she said through bared teeth.

Aldini chuckled. "Seriously I gotta report to Lieutenant, so we gotta go."

"Fine, let's head out. Come by the palace when you're done though,"

"Roger that."

Jazlyn and Aldini descended off the roof, once on the ground Aldini whistled for Fassi. Sure enough, a sturdy camel came trotting through the crowd to give them a ride.

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