Taking it back surprise that she would even help me because normally teachers wouldn't be the type to even to such a thing and that's including to perform an investigation on a higher up. Thinking about it as I took another breath remembering that they are sisters, I started with that by saying, "first, they are sisters and the assassin is this lady named Eirian and her bard sister is named Aislinn."

No sooner as I brought up Aislinn's name, something told me to stop speaking because I was able to feel with my senses that she have frozen stiff in shock. "Did you just say Aislinn? Thee most beautiful and inspiring bard of Futuramous?"

"I think that is her. A lot of the students were looking up to her, but I don't know what is so impressive about her. She's just a level one bard who possibly loves to sing."

"And that's where you are wrong Carry." I imagine she has a predatory grin as she faces me which brought shivers down my spine. "Let me tell you something." She stood up from behind her desk and stepped next to me. "Come with me to the next room." Not liking what's about to happen, I had no choice but to follow her. Stepping into another stale room as she closed the door, she continued by saying, "I need you to understand whatever that is being said in this room stays in this room because what I am about to tell you is so confidential that this could even cause me to lose my job of being a dean." Waiting for her to respond then feeling certain that I understand, she said, "listen, I'm not going to give you any excuses about Eirian because Aislinn's sister has always been a wild child when her and Lady Lynn was still around which, I am not going to express their past. If somehow both of you become friends, then possibly she'll tell you, but with promise, Aislinn is 100% not after you and your stats. Normally when her sister is with her, she will not disobey even with let's say governor Matters is commanding her too unless it is a real reason because Aislinn is not for violence. She would rather sing than participate in some assassin mission and if Eirian is commanded to do so and Aislinn has to obey to her sister, Aislinn will deny due to how that type of deed can tarnish her reputation."

"Why does it seem that you know them from in and out?" I asked not believing that it was all in her profile. She must have known her for a long time.

"Well, it's because I do. I have known Aislinn since she's been a little girl. You must understand that I have not always been a dean for Edison High. No, with a brief history about Aislinn, she use to be a very sick child. I mean, deathly sick due to stage 4 chronic leukemia which is a type of cancer that affects your white blood cells. To make it easier for you to understand, your white blood cells is considered your immune cells that protects viruses from effecting your body. For example, let's say you have a miner cold, your white blood cells are the one's that helps fight it off, as your red blood cells are the one's that helps bring oxygen through your body but with this disease, your white blood cells are extremely high while your red blood cells are low which also means it's trying to fight off an infection while your red cells are not receiving enough oxygen. Enough with the medical terms, back with the story, I was her nurse when she was in the hospital. She didn't really have long to learn and during this time, Futuramous was just forming and as you know, Futuramous was formed 22 years ago. However, before it was allowed for others to join what you know it as a virtual reality video game, 24 years ago, it was made only for scholars, doctors who became wizards/ witches, and the king himself. At the age of four, although Futuramous was not ready for players, but due to Aislinn being extremely sick, her family desperately wanted her to live and if Futuramous was her only place where she might have a chance, they took that risk for their daughter and payed $50,000. As you know Carry, Futuramous can heal medical conditions even though at a pricy rate minus certain blindness, deafness; etc. With the risk that Aislinn's family took because during that time, nothing was promised because of technology, but after 10 years of her having to stay in the hospital then continue to join Futuramous even after when players were able to join. She successfully beat her cancer. Not just it went into remission, but due to our technology, it was completely cured that it will never come back ever again." Then with a chuckle knowing what I was going to ask, she said, "Before you ask, the difference between 24 years ago and now is completely different. As you know, fighting, dungeon exploring, training with other players, and even fighting other monsters help you level your stats and your level, but back then, we didn't really have monsters, dungeons, and fighting arenas. Actually, we had to create that all ourselves. Yeah, we could have had our designers to help create the world you see now. However, if you did everything yourself, that was our way to gain stats and levels and trust me, we received a lot. Yet, the developers did add the dungeons and monsters after when the game was fully developed for players to join and the reason why it did take so long was due to making sure that if a player does receive an injury, the health mechanics were developed correctly or else the hype of a virtual reality video game that promised to cure any health conditions with the best of its abilities and so, once we were able to cure Aislinn then continuing on with further cures, that's when we focused on advancing the world of what you see today. Also, if you have noticed if you were there during the match up between Lady Lynn's and Prince Flinn's match up their stats were extremely low even with a high level. That was because Futuramous did not add the added stats the receive during their fights. It was based on their actual strengths. I don't know if you knew this during there fight, at the time, unfortunately, Futuramous only gave you the options of what stat you could choose from either if you were going to be a tank, a healer, a magic based user, an agility based character, or even on rare bases, someone who was in between, but now, because of the complaints due to you having to choose either if you were giving up your intelligence for perception or strength for agility, so now, because of the complaints, the designers now allow players to be able create on how they want to create their characters without mandatory decisions.

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