𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺: 𝙼𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝

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edited — June 17, 2024


    Me and Leah finally arrive at the airport, we began to look for someone holding a sign with our and probably a few other cast mates names, my family helping us look. I spotted the man holding the sign and I grabbed Leah's hand along with my luggage as I began to walk to the man. "Hello, I'm Y/n L/n, and this is Leah Jeffries" I introduced us to the man as he greeted us with a smile.
"Nice to meet you two, I am Fredrick, and I will be bringing you guys to LA. We just have to wait for one more person" he smiled as he motioned for us to sit down. I said goodbye to my brother and sister, so did Leah, before we sat down and waited.
"God, I'm so nervous to meet the cast" I said to Leah as I laid my head on her shoulder, and before I knew it I was fast asleep.
    I don't know how long I was sleeping for, but I felt a hand shake my shoulder, trying to wake me up. After a few more violent shakes and maybe a few smacks on the cheek, I woke up. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and realized that Leah was standing in front of me, along with a few other people, including Fredrick. "Are we leaving?" I asked as I tiredly stood up from the chair I had been sitting in.
  "Yep, come on, grab your stuff" Leah said mothering me like I was her child. I just nodded and grabbed my stuff before following after her. I hadn't noticed we would be flying first class till we got on the plane.
  "We're flying first class?!" I exclaimed when I stepped onto the plane. I saw Leah nod as she sat down in her seat, I also found out that I was not going to be sitting with her. I frowned and sat in my seat as I waved goodbye to her like I was going to go off to war or something.
   I was getting comfortable in my seat when I heard someone clear their throat, I looked up at the person. "oh am I in your seat, sorry-" I started to say when the boy cut me off.
"don't worry you're not, just wanted to see who I was going to be sitting next to" he smiled as he sat down in the seat beside me. "I'm Walker Scobell" he introduced himself as he offered me a hand shake. I smiled and shook his hand.
"Y/n, Y/n L/n, nice to meet you." I smiled at him and let go of his hand. 'I recognize him from somewhere...' I thought to myself before it came to me. "Didn't you act in The Adam Project?" I asked as I tilted my head slightly to get a better look at his face.
"I did.." he chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his neck, "I also acted in Secret Headquarters" he said as he smiled "you acted in Cobra Kai, am I right?".
"Yup, that's me! And that's where I recognize you from!" I laughed as I shook my head slightly. I looked out the window as we began to take off. 'oh god... I hate airplanes...' I thought as I held onto the armrest of the seat, or what I thought was the armrest, and squeezed my eyes shut.
"are you okay?" I heard Walker ask and I looked over at him as I opened my eyes slightly and nodded.
"just hate airplanes" you mumbled as you tried taking deep breaths, but to no avail you were just as nervous.
"I can tell" he laughed as he squeezed my hand back. My eyes shot open in shock as I let go of his hand, that I probably just dislocated because I was squeezing it so hard.
"oh my god, are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't realize I held your hand, oh my god that's so embarrassing..." I ranted as I looked down at my lap and my cheeks turned a bright red as I began to blush like crazy.
  He chuckled and shook his head "it's fine no worries" he smiled as he took hold of my hand once again. "You can hold on for as long as you need" he said as he focused back on his phone. I blushed and mumbled a little 'thank you' and then just stared at the back of the seat in front of me not really knowing what else to do. After a few seconds of pondering of things to do, I decided to take a nap, and hope we arrive soon.
   I fell asleep, and without realizing my head had fallen onto Walker's shoulder, and honestly this was probably the best sleep I've ever had in my entire life, his shoulder was super comfortable, not going to lie. We were still holding hands and I didn't mind that much, his hands were nice and soft, and they were warm.
   I was woken up by Walker when we were about to land, just so I had time to adjust to being awake and so I could stretch as much as I could without getting up. I smiled and thanked him, but when I realized we were still holding hands I blushed, but I didn't say anything. I took a deep breath as I was getting nervous again. "Do you think they will like me?" I asked out of the blue, as I looked over at Walker, my face clearly showing that I was nervous.
"Of course they will like you, who wouldn't!" He laughed as he gave my hand a comforting squeeze, before he pulled me up off of my chair as it was time for us to get off of the plain and meet the other cast members. I took a deep breath and followed Walker out of the plane and to where we would be meeting up with the rest of the cast.
I saw Leah waiting with another girl, and I immediately ran past Walker, letting go of his hand in the process, and jumped into her arms. "I missed you so much" I cried as I hugged her, and she gladly hugged me back.
"I missed you too" she cried with me, we didn't actually cry (we aren't that weird, I hope), and we stood hugging each other for a good few seconds before we let go.
"Who did you sit with?" I asked as I saw Walker stand behind me, but a little away so it wasn't like he was trying to intrude on our conversation.
"oh I didn't sit with anyone, what about you? You sit with anyone?" She asked as I saw wiggle her eyebrows as she teased me. I pouted as I blushed.
"I did sit with someone" I said as I turned around a lightly grabbed Walker's arm and dragged him over to where me and Leah were standing, "Leah this is Walker, Walker this is Leah, my bestie" I smiled as I introduced them. Leah gave me a smirk before she nodded at him.
"Nice to meet you" she smiled and they fist bumped. I chuckled at them as I saw some people coming over to us. It was a group of around 5 people. They all introduced themselves, and I realized it was the rest of the cast we were supposed to be meeting today. I smiled as they all told us a little about themselves.
It was finally my turn to introduce myself, and of course I had to be the last one. "Hey everyone I'm Y/n L/n and I will be playing Aurora Miller! It's so nice to meet you guys, I hope we have lots of fun but also manage to get things done" I smiled as I made sure to look at everyone at least once while I spoke. They all answered with 'hello' and 'it's nice to meet you to' and all sorts of other things.
"Let's head to the hotel, so we don't have to stand around this airport any longer" I heard Leah suggest, everyone nodding along, agreeing with her statement. We all left to the cars, making small conversations with one another.


HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!! I hope you all have a good 2024, I love writing this book it is so fun, and I hope you all are enjoying it so far, there is lots more to come!! Have a good night/day!! ~Yana

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