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Me: I'm really not feeling good babe. How long until you're done? X

The pain in my stomach was getting worse. It had gone from what I thought was some sort of period pain to cramps, to what was now like stabbing and an ache all up one side of my body. I stared out of the window at the changing leaves outside my apartment. He was taking far too long to reply.

Arnett: like 2 holes. You need me to come now? Xx

Me : I don't know.
Me: no don't leave. I'm just being soppy. xx

Arnett: take some drugs. I won't be long xx

I found some more painkillers and sat back down curling up and wanting to cry. My phone rang.

"Hey, you at your apartment? I'm just getting to the car" his gravelly voice was all I wanted to hear, and yet I burst into tears at the sound of him.

"Yeah. You didn't have to leave" I sobbed

"Awh baby, I think by the sound of things I did. Sit tight. I'll be 5 minutes"

I must have dozed off as he let himself in and I woke to him tucking my hair behind my ears. "How you doing?" He looked concerned.

"Umm, I don't think I'm very well" I tried to sit up and the pain got worse.

"Fuck baby. Ok we're gonna grab some things and then take you to the ER" he took over, packing a bag with some things and getting me everything I needed. "You doing ok?" He called as I'd popped to the toilet. I'd had a coil for years so the fact that I was bleeding quite heavily was definitely a sign things weren't good.

We waited in the er waiting room for what felt like hours, I snuggled up to Will, trying my best to make the plastic seats as comfy as possible. "Sean send his love, you know how he loves a hospital drama" Will tried to keep things light.

My name was called and we headed into a little side room. "Hi there, I'm Emily I'm a nurse here. I'm gonna get all of the information I can now and we'll see who we need to speak to next, ok?" She spoke softly, like nothing could flap her. Will sat forward and made me feel like he was in control and between them I felt slightly at ease. "So when did all this start?"

"Umm about two days ago I had some achy pain, like period pains, then it's got worse over the last 24 hours and now I kind feel like I'm being stabbed in the gut and I have pain all up my left side"

"And could you be pregnant?" She didn't turn away from the notes she was writing on the computer.

"I have a IUD"

"How long have you had that?"

"Like three years, I think"

"And are you sexual active without a condom?" She looked up now, I felt Will shuffle in his seat.

"Umm yeah," why did I feel guilty?

"Ok what we're going to do is get some bloods from you and that might show us a bit more of a picture."

"Can you get pregnant with an IUD?" Will looked at the nurse in a bit of a daze.

"There's a chance yes, it could be a range of things but we'll get everything checked and we'll know more. In the mean time, I'll order you some pain relief, and if you fill out the last of these forms I'll get a bloods kit and be back" she left us in the side room.

"You ok?" Will asked seemingly snapping back to reality.

"Nope" I sat in the chair away from him a little. He grabbed the seat and pulled me close.

"Come here! Nothing changes. I'm here for you, I want to make things better. There's nothing to worry about yet as we don't know what anything is" he wrapped his arms around me the best he could on our seats.

Bloods and pain killers taken the nurse arrived back as I was feeling a little drifty with medication.

"So the tests show higher levels of the hormone you'd have if you were pregnant. But the symptoms you are having and the fact that you have the contraceptive you do, are suggesting you've got an ectopic pregnancy. Do you know what that means?"

I nodded and Will took a breath.

"So we'll get you scanned quickly and see where we go." She paused before putting her hand on my knee "you ok?" I nodded again and Will squeezed my hand. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

The next few hours were a blur. I was scanned and it was confirmed. It didn't have a heart beat or anything but in was near my left ovary and wasn't looking good. I was rushed in for surgery and woke up to Will holding my hand, asking me to wake up.

"Hey" I croaked and nurses checked me over.

"Fuck, thank fuck for that!" He wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.

"You ok?" I asked worried that he seemed so concerned.

"Nope!" He said with a smile.

"I'm sorry" I whispered.

"Don't be. Fuck. I'm sorry. What a fucking day!?" He sat back out of the way of the nurses who checked me over before leaving us to it. "How you feeling?" He asked leaning forward.

"Like I've been hit by a bus, physically and emotionally. You?"

"Same!" He chuckled. His phone buzzed and he checked it "Amy's keeping the boy tonight" he looked up.

"Shit sorry. You can head home if you need to"

"Don't be fucking silly." Doctors came back in and explained everything and that we could head home as soon as I was feeling up to it. I just wanted to get back to a comfy bed.

"So do you have someone to stay with you for a bit?" The nurse asked sitting my papers.

"She does, yes." She nodded and set off. "You're staying with me" he smiled "I don't want you out of my sight for a good while. Like ever really, but that's a conversation for when we get home" he winked and grabbed my bag. "You ready?"

"Yeah" he put his arm around me and I snuggled in as we set off.

That night in bed I led with my head on his chest and I felt safe and finally comfortable. "So the not leaving my sight thing" he started "I've got like a few weeks before the new place is ready and I'd really like it if I wasn't moving in on my own" he kissed the top of my head.

"Are you asking me to move in?"

"I guess I am yeah. What cha think?" He looked down as I thought.

"I'd love to"

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