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"I'm not gonna sleep with him" I told my house mate, and myself repeatedly. We'd messaged a lot over the last few days. A bit of get to know you, a bit of passing the time, but I felt the urge to talk to him more and more. I was getting rather nervous about our next date.

"Why the fuck not? He's hot, you're hot, you're both single - where's the harm?" She watched from my bed as I got ready.

"He's Amy's ex?" I tried to make an excuse.

"She fucking set you up! She's totally down for this"

"It's a bit soon?"

"I suppose. It guess it's depends a bit on what you want from the long game" she asked.

"I don't fucking know!"

"You're too horney to think! Bone him, and then think about everything else!" She was no help!

I got out of the car at his house, it was amazing, very cool modular, lots of glass, not really what I was expecting from him. The gates shut behind me and I headed for the front door. "Hey!" He opened up and saw me inside. "You look fucking cute" he smiled and kissed my cheek

"You're looking pretty handsome yourself" I playfully straightened his collar on his button down.

"We can't sleep together tonight" he blurted.

"I mean sure you can take my coat" I sarcastically joked at his outburst.

"Shit that just came out, right yeah, let me take your coat"he helped my jacket off "I've been worrying all day about what was gonna happen today, tonight, like with us, and how I wasn't gonna fuck this up, and I guess I just kinda blurted that out" he blushed as he popped my coat in a closet.

"Don't apologise, it's good to get things on the table".

"I just don't want to be the dick who you think is gonna fuck you and forget you. That's not me - not right now anyway - and certainly not with you." He looked worried.

"Stop explaining. I get it. You gonna show me around?" I tried to remain composed but now that he'd taken sex off the table I was a little flustered. I know I'd been thinking of it but I worried he didn't want me at all.

He gave me a quick tour of downstairs and then into the kitchen where he was prepping dinner. He'd made a stir fry style dish and some noodles. It all looked great. "You hungry? It'll be like 5 minutes"

"Sounds great." I fished in my bag for the bottle of sparkling Apple I'd brought and he handed me two glasses. I sat at the island watching him cook, the two of us chatting with easy. He made me laugh so hard. I found myself staring dreamily at him cooking and for a moment he stopped and stared back. "You ok?" I asked.

"I am. Very much" he smiled and leant across the counter. "I like the way you look at me" he leant forward and kissed me.

"I like looking at you" I teased back and melted into his lips. He broke away to flip the dinner in the pan and did so with a heavy sigh.

"Help me out here" he said passing plates and we finished dishing up together.

Dinner ate, clear up done, we sat catting at the table. "I've got to admit I'm finding doing this a little hard without wine" I was being honest.

"Am I that bad?" He chuckled. "I get it, Life is fucking hard without wine" he teased. "You could have brought something, I'm ok with other people drinking. You may have had to drink the whole thing though, I'm a sucker for temptation" he dropped his voice and placed his hand on my knee and I felt myself shiver a little.

"I wasn't going to bring bloody wine, and I known don't need it, I just can't remember the last time I was on a date without being at a bar, or getting a bit tipsy"

"And look how well they must have all turned out" he winked. "I think we're doing ok without" he shuffled forward a bit and pulled my chair closer to his. I squeaked a little at the sudden move but it was very sexy. "It also means you get to feel all of the feelings of being on a date" his fingers now traced up the outside of my leg.

"Nerves, worry, anxiety?" I teased as his lips edged closer.

"More like, anticipation and excitement," he closed the gap between our lips, his hand pulled me so close I was practically in his lap.

"But we're not having sex tonight?" I clarified.

"Who said?" He cocked his head to one side.

"Ha! It was a good plan! We barely know each other" I reminded

"Oh yeah. We're getting better at that though, the knowing thing" he slid his hands round my waist and pulled me to his lap I could feel him hard beneath me.

"We are, but we're not going to rush things" I tired.

"No, of course not. Cos we're adults." He kissed my neck "two, consenting adults" and along my collar bone "consenting, sexy at fuck adults" I wrapped my hands in his hair and pulled his head back forcing him to look up at me.

"We're not fucking tonight" I looked him square in the eye.

"I think that's the hottest thing any girl has ever said to me" he tried to kiss me and tugged his hair again.

"I mean it"

"I know!"

We spent the rest of the evening riling each other up but managed to stay fully clothed. We talked for hours and in the early hours of the morning I finally left with a plan to meet up at a party the next weekend.

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