When Yan Yan received the news, she also hurried over to the Jinse Pavilion. However, her face was filled with doubts: "Wang Meng is dad's personal guard who followed him for over a decade. He's always been loyal so he wouldn't speak randomly. He actually said dad has fallen from a cliff and that his survival is uncertain. Since this is the case, it's better to send people to search the place. The longer we delay, the smaller dad's chance of survival."

"What niece said is right!" Yan Zhi said heavily: "I will go gather the household guards and head to Jiming Mountain to search."

At this time, news came from the Rongan Hall. When the old madam heard about this matter, she had directly fainted.

Shen Yi Yao could only hurry past Yan Zhi and Yan Qu, saying she had to go check on the old madam. She also ordered for Wang Meng's corpse to be temporarily stored before making funeral arrangements the next day. Wang Meng had loyally guarded his master so his funeral needed to be dignified. They couldn't let his loyal spirit down.

Yan Zhi and Yan Qu split up, each busying themselves.

The search yielded no results.

The Weiyuan Marquis Estate had sent out guards, carriage drivers, errand boys and so on. Jiming Mountain wasn't tall but the terrain was rugged. They searched through the night and the entire next day, but didn't find anything.

When the old madam awoke after fainting yesterday, she wasn't able to sleep and restlessly paid attention to the proceedings despite not being able to move or speak. Every once in a while, she would order someone to ask about the situation, bugging people to no end.

Eldest aunt Yan Feng had also received the news and returned. She had to worry about her younger brother's fate while also worrying about her mom's health. Chen Chun had come with her. Although he didn't look too concerned on the surface, he did have the Chen household's guards help with the search.

Another day passed. During this time, the old madam faded in and out of consciousness several times. With no other choice, she had Matron Zhao ask Shen Yi Yao to come, and requested that she go and ask her maternal family to help with the search.

With the Zhenguo Duke Estate's assistance, everything seemed to become a lot easier. The path to the cliff was easily discovered. They then went through the bumpy road to the bottom of the cliff. Everyone saw the pile of meat that was already giving off the smell of decay.

The torn yet familiar clothing and some scattered items made it clear that this was the missing Yan Ting.

When news of his death was sent back to the estate, the old madam once again fainted.

The entire estate was in a state of mourning. Everyone looked bleak and pale.

Although Yan Ting was a minor character, he was ultimately still a marquis. He actually ended up dying mysteriously in the wilderness without a complete corpse.

This matter naturally aroused a clamor within the capital. Just for the sake of the Zhenguo Duke's dignity, there were quite a few people who came to offer respects to the dead.

It was said he had died after falling from a cliff due to an ambush by an unknown party. This caused the previous matter of Shen Yi Yao being ambushed as well to spread. Within a few short days, the couple had both been attacked. Could they have offended someone? Many people couldn't help but wonder. To actually dare make a move against the Zhenguo Duke's daughter and son-in-law, the person responsible was naturally not ordinary. Therefore, despite there being a lot of people paying respects, none of them expressed any opinion on this matter. It was like Yan Ting had died of ordinary causes, and not due to an ambush.

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