Prologue: Welcome To Despair

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Goggles' POV

Goggles: "...  ...Nng?  Wh-What...?  Where am I?"

I woke up with my head resting on top of a hard wooden desk.  My body feels...heavy.  It's pretty normal for me to zonk off in the middle of some boring class or whatever, but...  What was I just doing asleep here just now?  This isn't a classroom I've ever been in before.

Goggles: "What the heck is going on...?"

I got up from the chair with the desk and decided to look around.

That's the desk I fell asleep on.  I can still see a line of drool I must have left there.

Goggles: "I'll have to clean that up later..."

Hey, what's that on the desk?

Goggles: "An orientation guide...?  It's some kind of cheap-looking pamphlet.  And there's something handwritten on it..."

"The next semester is about to start.  Starting today, this school will be your entire world."

Goggles: "What the hell?  Is this someone's idea of a joke?"

I then look at the clock above the chalk board.

Jeez, I can't believe it's already 8 o'clock.  It was just after 7 when I first got here.  Has it really been almost an hour since then...?

Then I looked to my left and saw something strange, very strange.

Goggles: "What the heck...?"

In any normal classroom, that's where a window should be.  But it looks like some kind of metal plate has been bolted over it.  And if I were to knock on it...

Goggles: "Yup.  Definitely metal.  Thick, too.  Very solid."

Wait, that's not what matters here.  More importantly, why are there metal plates over the windows?

Goggles: "Okay, let's see.  So what might have happened is..."

I got myself so wound up, I passed out in the main hall.  And then someone carried me here...?  If that's true, it must mean...  This is a classroom inside Squidbeak.

Goggles: "But then if *that's* true..."

That just raises more questions.  This all really is strange.  I mean, those metal plates covering the windows...  It's like it's a prison or something.  None of this makes any sense...

Goggles: "I should probably head back to the main hall.  It's already past the meeting time.  There might be other students there now."

So I then headed towards the main door of the classroom.  Then I walked into a hallway.

Goggles: "Jeez...  This hallway is kind of weird, too."

This is getting stranger by the second.  I honestly have no idea what's going on...

Goggles: "Well, for now I'll just head to the main hall..."

I then looked behind, and spotted a red door.

I wonder where this red door leads.  I'm starting to feel sick standing here...

So I chose to back away from it.

I then continued my walk through the strange halls and then found an opened door, so I decided to enter through it.

By the time I got back to the main hall... ...everyone else was there.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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