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OMG!" Wura and Jody couldn't stop laughing it was like my issue was a joke to them really???

I gave both of them a blank look.

" Guys this isn't funny at all I am talking about a guy I like " I was being dramatic I know but I am in love or so I thought I dunno but I think I felt something for this guy.

" You are in love with a guy you don't fucking know" Jody said giving me a pointed look.

" Wow.... You are so whipped " wura said in between laughter.

" Guysss please I need to meet this guy" omg! I want to cry now .

" We don't even know this guy" Jody picked up her phone tapping into it.

" Well that's if he exist" she muttered under her breath.

" He exists and he is a sight to behold you hear me" I yelled at her.

" Jody just help me find him, you know you are popular and all just use your fame for me once please " I pouted.

That always gets her, she doesn't like seeing me sad.

" Ugh! Fine I will try but the problem is I don't know this guy I haven't seen him before. "

" Yhyh that's an issue hmmm..... "

"Maybe you could take a picture maybe the next time you see him you take a picture of him" wura suggested.

" Hmmm.... Great idea I will try that. Thank you so much guys I love you" I squeezed them both in a tight hug.

" Omg! You are killing me jeez! " Wura tapped my back .

" Sorry sorry!" I waved them and headed to my dorm.

Hmmm.... Maybe this was my new obsession my new toy but I am not gonna let this one slip away. Well my own take is obsession and boredom after all.

No strings attached, just play with the toy and forget it ever happened. Well maybe I am trynna change that.

I never really do relationships coz they have always ended up badly. So I don't take myself as that relationship person it really makes me laugh.

I remember one time I had this guy he was so sweet I got obsessed with that, the minute he asked me to be his I accepted Instantly almost a month in the relationship I got bored and ended that bondage called a relationship.

But..... Maybe.... Just maybe I will like this one truly maybe. I can't just wait to find him and know what it feels like to like someone. Not love, I don't love I could and would only love my future husband. Love is deep and strong and I don't think they should be told to just anyhow person without you meaning it.

I walked to my dorm to meet my roomies wasted on the bed. They are both so dumb I wonder how they are gonna pass their exams if they never even attend a single class.

Jesus! I pulled my jeans and my top and changed into my PJs I took out my laptop and began to work on a few assignment that were soon due I couldn't fail my dad would skin my alive. After the assignment I fell asleep dreaming about this mysterious boy whom I didn't even know his name.

Dream Guy ( Adekanyinsola)Where stories live. Discover now