Letter part 1 Ymir's and Sasha's letter

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Sasha's POV

As I got handed my letter I felt my self tear up. My best friend/ big sister is dead! But even as she was dying she had a smile on her face. WWWWAAAAAA.

I opened the letter and read it out loud. The letter said:

Dear Sasha (little sister)

I'm sorry I left you alone in a world filled with monsters, and horrible people. But I know you'll manage, cause your stronger than you think. Even though I'm gone look up to the sky and you'll see me, not literally but you'll know I'm there. I'll always be there for my baby sister. But when you remember me I want you to remember me and smile don't remember me and cry cause then I'll feel bad that I left you.

I'll always look out for you. I love you Sasha, my little potato.

Lots of love Jess xxx

You may be out of my sight Jess but you'll never be out of my heart, I'm going to miss you.

Ymir's POV

I don't like crying but when my little sister died I couldn't help it. She may have been younger than me but she was smarter, stronger, wiser and many more things than me. Oh god I hope I dorm start balling.

Dear Ymir
My older sister. I never got to say I love you as a family. I remember when we were little and mum would read us bed time stories about the outside world, and dad would always tickle us if we disobeyed them. They were always so proud of you. The golden child, and then those bastard Titans came and ripped us apart.

You are one of the weirdest people I know, besides clean freak hehe. You always made me laugh one way or another. I know it's gonna be hard on you loosing another family member but remember, mum, dad and I are always there. You might not be able to see us but we will always be with you in your heart.

When the world is Titan free I want you to go somewhere for me. It's a place called Italy (my home country in real life :P) and when your done I want you to tell me about it k?

I love you more than anythin
Jess xxxxx.

I love you baby sister.


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