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It felt like I was stabbed. I walk into the building, and I sit on a sad lonely sofa. I sit in my feelings, for I don't know how long- until I'm forced into the back of a van. 24 of us trapped in the same van, with no space. We must've arrived at the destination because a peacekeeper comes and shoves us all out. screaming at us. It was all very uniformed after that. We walked in a line with our district partner beside us. I haven't spoken a word. Not during the 20 minute van ride, not after the reaping, I was angry. Why would they do this? I was shouting internally. an inferno in my body. I realised where we were, the Tribute Centre, untouched and refurbished. I walked in with my district partner- Jamie. An Avox takes us to our floor, 8 floors up. The apartment was gorgeous, if only i was here on different circumstances, maybe I would appreciate it. "who do you think our mentor will be? there's only 7 of them, how will they split it?" Jamie asks. "I'm not sure, maybe they will get soldiers to mentor, since they LOVE militarism now." I say snarkily. I go to sit on the red sofa, when our mentor walks out the super sonic lift. Johanna freaking Mason. There's no doubt that she wanted us both dead- if I had to guess, she definitely voted for this. "Lets get started then!" she projected throughout the apartment. We both walk up to Johanna to greet her. "Afternoon." Jamie says timidly. "God! do you Capitol Kids not know how to be impolite?" she spat. "your outfit looks ridiculous, you know?" I guess my bright blue shirt was acquired taste. she directs that comment at me. I try to think of a clever comeback- but I just mumbled "erm- okay." We go to the living quarters and sit at the glass circular table. "You know, the one good thing about your, lets say, sort, is that you have no skills, no strength, ,your just useless." she laughs. "How is that good?" I spat back. She looked me in the eye, dead on. "A fiery one- didn't think they had those here." she retorted. "We arent just dolls, tell me, do I have ANY chance at winning these games or not?" I scowled. "Well, are you good at anything apart from colour theory?" I tried to rack my brain, for anything. "i guessed right." she laughed. "I'm alright with knifes- my dad had a forgery." Jamie said with some sort of power. "I've mentored many times, and they all say the same thing. Alright with. That's not going to help you in the arena if you THINK your alright with knifes, there's no definite! How about you Dovecote, finished thinking?" "I can climb? but considering I'm Capitol, I've never touched a weapon before."  I needed to get alright with a weapon in the next few days, or I'm as good as dead. "that's so bloody helpful!" Johanna sarcastically says. I storm out and leave. How am I meant to survive in an Arena with nothing but an ability to climb an odd tree. I slam my bedroom door and cry. I cry and cry and cry. All i can think about is how I'm never going to see my home again. What's with the Hate campaign against me? I'm nothing like my father, yet I'm treated like his rookie.

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