Chapter 15: The Night Huntress Emerges

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Regaining my stance, I faced him with a calm, almost serene expression. "You're not the only one with tricks up your sleeve," I declared, my voice steady and imbued with a cool confidence. The words hung in the air between us, a challenge and a revelation. I stood poised, ready for his next move.

Fang's face contorted into a scowl, his features twisting into an expression of distaste and anger. His glare bore into me, a mix of resentment and disbelief, as if he couldn't fathom being outmaneuvered."You little motherfucker!" He spat, angry that I'd made him stumble like a fool.

"You're not fighting just Luna anymore," I told him, my voice a mix of a threat and a promise. "You're up against the Night Huntress now, and she doesn't bow to anyone."

The fight between Fang and me transformed into an intense spectacle, a fierce ballet where each move was both art and war. As we circled each other, the clash of our wills filled the air with electric tension. Fang, relying on his brute force, unleashed a series of heavy, sweeping strikes, each one powerful enough to kill. His muscles tensed and flexed under his skin with every move, a predator in his element.

But I, embracing the Night Huntress within, moved with an ethereal grace. I danced around his thunderous blows, my body flowing like water, my steps light yet purposeful. With each twist and turn, I dodged his lightening fast attacks by mere inches, my movements a blur of speed and precision. My skin, illuminated by my purple aura, shimmered in the darkness of the night as I maneuvered through the onslaught.

Fang's growing frustration was almost palpable as his strikes continued to miss their mark. "Come here, bitch!" he bellowed, his voice echoing with anger and desperation. I couldn't help but let out a soft, derisive laugh at the sight of him - the mighty vampire king, reduced to blind fury.

He put more force into his attacks, each swing wilder and more uncontrolled than the last. The veins on his neck stood out starkly, a network of anger, as his face twisted into an expression of sheer rage. But for all his effort, I remained just beyond his reach, my movements a dance of shadows and evasion.

Circling him, I called out with a cool, mocking tone, "I'm starting to wonder, Fang. How did you ever become the vampire king? You can't even lay a finger on me." My words were a taunt, a challenge, designed to unnerve him further. I watched as my words hit their mark, his fury intensifying with the realization that he was being bested by me.

Then, as quick as lightning, my opportunity arose. Fang, driven by desperation, overextended himself in his attack. It was a fatal error, one I was poised to exploit. With the agility of the Night Huntress, I once again sidestepped his reckless strike. In that fluid movement, my hand found the silver dagger at my side—a weapon deadly to his kind.

As Fang realized his vulnerability, I struck. The dagger, a sliver of moonlight in my hand, powerfully swung through the air. I aimed my weapon with lethal precision, ready to stab his heart. But just as I was about to deliver the final blow, his stupid witch intervened. How much was he paying this bitch? Her magical attack, a wave of dark energy, struck my magical shield unexpectedly. It shifted my body just enough to alter the trajectory of my strike. The silver blade, intended for Fang's heart, instead found his stomach, incapacitating but not killing him. He collapsed, a mix of pain and surprise etching his handsome features, he was rendered powerless but still alive.

Quickly, I turned to face the threat of his witch. Wiping the sweat from my brow with a swift motion of my sleeve, I prepared to confront her head on.

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