Wolf x Reader

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You already know what Wolf is like, but that doesn't stop you from being alarmed at his condition when he shows up at your place at 2 in the morning, bruised and soaking wet from the rain. You're in your pink pajamas and wished you were wearing something different when he staggers through the door and deposits himself on your couch that's become his second home.

Wordlessly, you shut the door and go to the bathroom, rummaging through the medicine cabinet for aspirin and bandages. You didn't use to have bandages but being friends with Wolf would make a nurse out of anyone. He's not a very good patient, though.

"I told you not to bother," he says, hissing as you apply alcohol to a wound to disinfect it. He dry swallows the pills and you watch his adam's apple move in accordance. "I just need a place to crash. I'm leaving tomorrow."

"Don't come here if you don't want to be taken care of," you respond simply. Wolf doesn't like that and shoves your hands away. Concerned, you watch as he stands up and stalks towards the TV, an old box you found in the dumpster, which, coincidentally, is also where you found Wolf when you first met him.

"Is anything on?" he asks, messing with the knobs but not turning it on.

"What do you wanna watch?"

"Iunno, just--" He shivers and doubles over, seething as a spot of blood blooms on his gray shirt, his favorite one. You hardly seem him in anything else. You've never been to his place. You wonder if that's all he has to wear.

You hesitate for a second before rushing forward and slinging his arm around your shoulder and helping him lie down on the couch. Your pajamas are wet now too. You glance at the spot and close your eyes. "Oh my gosh, were you stabbed? Who stabbed you, Wolf?"

He grins through the pain, his face contorted a sort of way. "Don't worry about it."

You press his hand to his forehead and it's burning up. He's got a fever or something. You tiredly rub your face. "Dammit, Wolf."

He asks you not to call a hospital. He'll be fine as long as he doesn't bleed out too much, he says. This time, he doesn't complain as you patch him up.


Notes: in the words of keith lee: I pray this reaches its target audience because the target audience ain't me /j seriously though, I hope you guys liked this!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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