Lily, Julia, and Lala Head Canons

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I feel like they'd been best friends at least since middle school, maybe even further back for Julia and Lily. What eventually splits them apart is their difference in goals. Lala wants to date hot guys, Julia wants to get rich quick, and Lily just wants to have good friends to hang out with in high school.

Julia was always the more mature one; Lily was Julia's baby and she found Lily adorable and refreshingly honest, if a little naive at times. Julia and Lily were probably the girls everyone wanted to be friends with, but the only person who got close to them was Lala. Lala just wanted to be as popular as Julia, probably unsuccessfully.

The problem was that Lala was kind of in the middle because she was more average-looking than Lily and Julia. Not to comment on my actual thoughts about their appearance, but Julia was probably the "hot" one and Lily was the "cute" one. People had crushes on Julia all the time, and that became a sort of power, especially since I think Julia takes pride in being materialistic and having nice things with the least effort. She never reciprocates their feelings, but she uses her allure to her advantage.

Chances are that Lala was stuck acting as their shuttle for confession gifts, or something similar to that. Lily and Julia never treated her like a third wheel, but she felt like one and everyone assumed that was their dynamic. Despite this, Lala is definitely the first one to get a boyfriend, simply because she craves that kind of attention more than the other two.

One day, Lala gets fed up with her situation and decides to reinvent herself. Just like Bryce Oh, she goes from slandering her friends (mostly Julia) behind their backs to doing it publicly. She even takes it upon herself to inflict the damage personally. She gets involved with the wrong people in a bid to raise her self-esteem. Lala will settle for anyone decent-looking enough, so her standards are likely muddled, as are her morals. I think she'll find herself in a predicament where she's in deeper than she wants. She might ask for her friends' help, especially Lily's, but they won't be responsive due to how she treated them. And she certainly can't rely on that borderline deadbeat boyfriend of hers.


Random head canons:

Julia defends Lily in first grade and that makes her a hero to Lily.

Or conversely, Lily stands up for Julia and that's why Julia wants to be friends with her.

Lily gets sunburned easily, so during summer, she wears giant floppy hats and they look great on her.

Lala had a boyfriend before any of them, but they debate whether it should count because it was in third grade, and only lasted 2 weeks.

Lily tutors both of them, Julia because she's too lazy/busy to study, and Lala because the classwork is too hard.

Lala and Lily share a love of kpop and were the two to discuss cute guys because Julia wasn't interested.

Julia doesn't want to be friends with Lily anymore because she knows her actions and connections could put her in danger.

Or Lily didn't back her up when Julia thought she would and she holds a long-standing grudge.

Lily fights just like Gray: by using her surroundings. Whatever she lacks in strength, she makes up for in intelligence. But it'd be really nice if she could just punch people without a sweat.

Lily and Gerard are best friend material.

Here's a bingo I made of my predictions and hopes for upcoming episodes:

Here's a bingo I made of my predictions and hopes for upcoming episodes:

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