Gardening Club Drabble

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Why was there no one there? Lily checked her watch. It was 4 PM, just as advertised on the flier she saw posted on the cafeteria bulletin board. She'd never thought of gardening as a hobby, but she needed to fill out her resume and truth be told, she wanted to make some friends too. No thugs were likely to sign up for planting baby corn and green beans, so Lily took her chances and marked the date.

She peered inside the school's brand new glass greenhouse. They'd finally got funding for it, so it stood where the sparse grounds of the gardening club used to be. Inside, there were rows of plants but no humans in sight. The sun outside was harsh and the glass was cool to the touch, so she let herself in and hoped she wasn't breaking any rules.

The scent of well-nourished plant life and wet, damp earth instantly enveloped her. It was warm but not as overbearing as the non-stop heat outside the glass enclosure. The green of the vegetation was vivid and Lily could understand how someone could feel passionately about taking care of plants.

She walked around for a minute, admiring the vibrant flowers and young, green fruit until she heard a humming. It was only for a few seconds, but she quickly surmised whoever had organized the meeting was at the very back of the greenhouse. It was a guy for sure, but Lily couldn't think of any boy at her school who'd be caught dead gardening.

Slinking towards the rear end of the structure, Lily grew increasingly nervous. She was the only one there aside from this person. What if he was a creep and was luring girls just like her to their abrupt and bloody deaths? There had to be at least ten feet of nice soft soil where he could hide her body.

Lily shook her head. She had to stop letting her imagination run away like that or she might accidentally manifest her nightmares.

In front of her was a ceiling to floor curtain of vines isolating her and whoever was behind the green draping. She took a deep breath and brushed the vines aside to see who she was about to deal with.

For one thing, it wasn't a serial killer. Lily didn't think many serial killers would so carefully measure out tubes of water to dole out to each potted blossom of flowers hanging from wooden hand-made racks. The boy watering the plants was tall, really tall. Lily's eyebrows rose, noticing his handsome facial features and subdued, lopsided smile. He had a pale complexion, shiny brown hair, and golden amber eyes. That portion of the greenhouse received a lot of light from the midday sun so a warm, pale glow was cast on his skin, making him appear ethereal. Whoever he was, he was altogether gorgeous.

Lily angled her head to get a better look.



No, he was definitely taken.

He noticed her standing there and visibly lit up. "Hi!" He put down his metal watering can and took off his gloves, clapping any dust off his hands and walking towards her. "Are you here for the club?"

Armed with the knowledge someone like him would never be into her, Lily didn't trip over her words like she might've. "Yes! I saw the poster on the bulletin and thought I'd drop by."

Stephen grinned. "Yeah? I told Gray old-fashioned advertising works." He held out his hand. "I'm Stephen, by the way."

"Lily," she replied, shaking his hand. His hands were larger than hers and his fingers were slender, almost graceful. He was really attractive.

Lily looked behind him. "What were you doing just now?"

Stephen glanced backward. "I was planting our new batch of perennials for the spring. Do you want to help?"

Things. [Weak Hero Content]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora