Home at Last

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Word Count: 1277


Kyojuro strolled down the familiar street. His pace was slower than usual. He didn't tell anyone else this, but the rest of his body was still sore from his battle a few months ago. He was just allowed to start rehabilitation training, and he didn't want Shinobu ordering him back into that bed again. The stillness didn't feel right to him.

Kyojuro rounded the corner, and his childhood home came into view. He could already see his baby brother sweeping up outside the house. Senjuro, Kyojuro's adorable little brother, looked up as Kyojuro drew closer.

"BROTHER!" Senjuro smiled as he dropped the broom and rushed towards his big brother. Kyojuro opened his arms and welcomed Senjuro with open arms. Kyojuro laughed before he picked up his brother and spun him around.

"I'm glad to see you again, Senjuro." He beamed down at his little brother.

Senjuro gasped as he inspected Kyojuro. "Your eye! Is it okay?"

Kyojuro smiled at his brother, but you could see the pain in his eyes. The bandages were gone, but his one eye was misty and unfocused. He'd lost over 75% of his vision in his left eye. The color had been diluted, and you could tell his vision was impaired.

"I'm okay, Senjuro. I'm lucky I didn't completely lose my eye." Senjuro was still sad, but it seemed like Kyojuro didn't care too much, so Senjuro decided to be strong.

"Well, I think it makes you look cool. Battle scars are awesome. You're a strong and brave hashira who went toe to toe with an upper-rank demon and lived to tell the tale." Senjuro smiled at Kyojuro, proud to have such an amazing big brother.

"Thank you, Senjuro. I appreciate your-" Before Kyojuro could finish his sentence, someone interrupted him.

"What're you doing here?" His speech was slurred, and you could tell whoever spoke was intoxicated. Kyojuro knew who it was before he even raised his head. Shinjuro, his abusive and alcoholic father.

"Hello, Father, I'm glad to see you too!" Kyojuro pushed down his disappointment and anger. He would be strong for Senjuro's sake. His smile was forced, but few would be able to tell.

Shinjuro sneered at Kyojuro. "Huh, didn't think you would be back so soon." His voice was full of contempt. Kyojuro acted as if he hadn't heard the venom in his voice.

"Yes, Miss Shinobu gave me the thumbs up, so I decided to visit you two."

An awkward pause filled the air. The silence was deafening. Then Shinjuro noticed his younger son cowering behind Kyojuro.

"You! Aren't you supposed to be sweeping?!"

Senjuro jumped at his father's outburst. "S-sorry, father, I'll get right on that!"

"Just get over here and finish the job!"

Kyojuro couldn't dare to stay silent anymore. Not while his father blatantly insulted and pushed around Senjuro.

"How dare you! He isn't your maid! You don't have the right to push him around!" Kyojuro was mad. It was a surprise to see him like this. Everyone was always so used to him smiling. The sudden disappearance of his usual cheerful demeanor was almost scary.

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