Prologue 2/2: Do you want to jump?"

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I don't even know how to start this entry... SUNNY... well, I guess I should start from the start, huh?

After another restless sleep, KEL was notably worried about SUNNY and BASIL's conditions, and he seemed very anxious to get to the hospital and check if they could visit SUNNY this time around.

Because of KEL's persistent behaviour, we were able to get our parents to bring us to FARAWAY HOSPITAL. Surprisingly enough I found myself daydreaming about MARI...

I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to save him... (the writing is scratchy and poor, and multiple wet spots are evident due to HERO's crying)

Once we got to the hospital our DAD who drove us said he had work and if we needed anything to ask our MOM, though if it was something that only he could help with, he would and he told us not to hesitate to call him in the off chance that they needed him. Then he drove off.

Me and KEL headed to the hospital's entrance and went inside. KEL ran up to the lady at the reception desk and asked if we could see SUNNY yet, the answer he got was: 'My apologies, we are unable to accommodate any visitors for that patient, please come back later to see if you may visit them.'

To say the least it was creepy, she said the exact same thing as yesterday, and the day before. Despite this obviously hindering the slightly hopeful mood he was in he asked if BASIL was still in the same room. To KEL's new inquiry the nurse reaffirmed that BASIL was still in the same room and was in stable condition. With that, we thanked her and headed off to see BASIL.

At BASIL's room we found him still unconscious, though in full honesty it was to be expected. After all, BASIL and SUNNY had fought about a month ago, and even during all this time they had never heard SUNNY's mom rushing in, trying to find where her son was and if he was ok.

We'd almost gotten over the fact that SUNNY's mom was probably neglectful and POLLY even brought it up to the police with our backing and even that kind doctor's help. We were able to make a case against her and remove SUNNY from her care, though, despite all of this she still hadn't shown her face once. Eventually, she was declared missing.

After a while of waiting, chatting over top of BASIL with KEL, AUBREY and POLLY came in. POLLY had taken in SUNNY as well as AUBREY because soon after POLLY revealed that SUNNY was being neglected by his mom AUBREY revealed that her relationship with her mother wasn't very good and that her father had left them when AUBREY was still a very young child.

When she told us she was obviously very tense and unhappy and along with SUNNY's mom POLLY reported AUBREY's as well. So that's how POLLY became the guardian of 3 kids, all unrelated to her.

AUBREY grabbed herself a chair and sat down in it and joined the conversation. POLLY did too! Our discussion took a rather light hearted turn, moving to what our ideas were of what we would do when BASIL and SUNNY woke up.

Suddenly, the kind doctor - whose name is Mr. JOSEIGH (ho-say) - burst into the room with an air of urgency that, however, was nonthreatening. When we asked what was wrong he said it wasn't what was wrong but what was right, SUNNY's condition had stabled, enough for visitors to visit - though he was still unconscious.

As Mr. JOSEIGH walked us over to where SUNNY was, he asked us to be very carful while watching over him, his condition was only just good enough for visitors and that any slight decrease in his condition would justify their getting out of the room immediately.

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