Chapter 4

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The next morning in the Walter house was pretty hectic. While me and Jackie were peacefully choosing which clothes to wear for school we could hear kids running down stairs and Cathrine yelling at Lee that he needs to leave his skateboard at home.

While making our way down the stairs we heard Cole yell. "Bus is leaving in 5." When we arrived downstairs I saw everybody rushing out of the house. "Good morning how did you girls sleep?" Cathrine asked us.

"Fine." We both answered. "So i left you guys breakfast over there and the boys will take you to school okay. See you later" She said While heading out of the house.

Me and Jackie both took an apple from The bowl that was placed on the kitchen island.

As me and Jackie were stepping onto the porch as I heave a nervous breath. With seeing the full car with the most of the Walter kids inside already.

"Are you ready Jackie." I asked my sister softly. "I'm ready." She answered while giving me a smile. As Jackie was headed for the car I stayed still on the porch still with a nervous feeling in my stomach. When I looked at the car again I saw Cole with a small grin on his face looking towards me. "Come on, Sunshine. Get in." He said still smiling at me. I followed over to the car seeing were i could sit.

Danny got out the car. "You can sit in the front with me and Cole if you want?" He asked me. I nodded and gave him a smile. I walked to the other side of the car. " Thank you Danny." I said.

"No problem." Danny said while giving me a smile.

I got in the car sitting next to Cole and Danny. I looked over my shoulder too look at Jackie. But she wasn't looking. She kept looking out the car window .

The car drive was very loud as the music was playing and Isaac was talking about some hot girls he met at a party. I sometimes felt Cole's eyes on me but didn't look back I kept looking straight ahead at the road.

When we arrived at the parking lot of the school I read a sign saying Silver Falls High School.

While Cole parked the car I saw girls staring at us they were all waving at Cole.

" Hey guys, we got a full car today, so Isaac no offering rides to random cheerleaders okay? He said while waving back to those girls from earlier.

"Hey, and we leave at 3:30. Okay? Hey, sharp, 3:30 sharp-." Cole got out of the car frustrated.

While all of the boys and my sister pail out of the car leaving me all alone sat inside the front of the vehicle. Nathan and Danny opened the door.

"Are you okay?" Nathan asked me. I'm fine." I answered giving him a soft smile. "We will show you and Jackie were to find your classes. Okay?" Nathan offered me. "Sure thank you." I said.

"Can't having you get lost on your first day." Danny said. "thanks." I said again.

While getting out of the car i see Cole and Jackie talk at the back of the car. "So what do you think?" He asked me. I looked at the school. "It's... big." I answered.

"Not like them fancy Manhattan schools, Huh? " He asked me.

"It's very different. I don't need to wear a uniform here." I said.

"You wore a uniform?" He asked me tilting his head to the side. "Yeah." I replied to him.

"So you went to an all-girls school and you all wore uniforms, Schoolgirl uniforms are so hot!" He said.

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