Sasuke was breathing heavily as we both looked at each other waiting for the other to move. 

"Sasuke, this isn't a smart move. You're wasting your chakra like this what are you doing?" 

He gave me no response and dashed forward with his kunai and struck me again and again which annoyed me. I finally kicked him away and he skidded on the ground and wiped some blood off his chin. I sighed as I put my hands on my hips and looked at him. 

"Sasuke, give up what are you doing?" I asked. I headed over to him to give him the final blow but was surprised to see him fling some dirt into my eyes as I bent over in pain. I could sense him throwing a punch and jumped away but flinched as a shuriken that he had thrown beforehand came back and sliced me right on the cheek. I finally got rid of the sand to see Sasuke on the floor sprawled out smiling. 

"It's your turn now," he said while gasping for air. I was confused at what he had said and tried to grab a kunai only to realize that I couldn't move my body. I was confused and looked around to see who was doing this. 

"Took you long enough," a voice said. I moved my eyes to see Ayumi head out of a tree while smirking. What was going on? Are they..are they working together? 

"Shut up yumi." Ayumi giggled in response as she swiftly headed towards me grabbing the bells on my hip. I looked at her in confusion not caring that she had taken possession of the bells. 

"What did you do to me?" I asked. I could see Sasuke flinch from the bloodlust I had let out and made sure to keep calm before Sasuke passed out in fear. On the other hand, Ayumi seemed unaffected as if she was used to this.

"Psh. Quit your bloodlust you know fully well you could have gotten out if you really wanted to." 

"That's what you think, Sasuke's battle worn me out regretfully. I underestimated you two. Now spit it out. What did you do to me."

Ayumi smirked in response as she made eye contact with Sasuke.

"Who said I'm working with you?" Sasuke asked. Ayumi looked at him dumbfounded as she was very close to hitting him but kept her cool. Ayumi was about to speak before Sasuke burst out laughing. "Is what I would have said but I can't help but be curious. Spit it out now what is your plan Yumi?" he said with a smirk. She sighed and shot him a glare but proceeded to tell. 

"If it's teamwork we have to do then we can use both of our skills to overwhelm a powerful opponent. Kakashi over there probably thinks of us as weaklings and judging his lazy attitude, he won't expect us to have figured out the main point of this test. We're going to utilize that. You're going to fight him and wear him out as you constantly fight him with big attacks. Yes, it's going to drain your chakra and no matter how hard you try you're not going to be able to defeat him but, our purpose isn't to defeat this guy. It's to steal the bells. I just need you to make him bleed. Leave the rest to me." 

"That's fine but you could do this on your own, why ask for my help?" 

"My skill of manipulating blood isn't that easy you know? It requires immense stamina and control to maintain it on people who are stronger than me. So I can't just wear myself out on a battle I can't win."  Sasuke sighed as he looked at Ayumi who was holding her hand out. 

"So are you in?" Sasuke smirked as he hit her hand. 

"As if I have a choice" 


The timer rang as all 3 of them looked towards the sound. Sakura had just come bursting out to see Kakashi frozen in place and Ayumi and Sasuke staring at her. Ayumi snapped her hands and Kakashi moved as he sighed and raked his hand through his hair. 

"Ma, let's go to Naruto for now." 

As the 4 of them walked, Naruto who was tied to a stump came into view. He was flailing around as the 3 of them took a seat and Kakashi stood in front. Ayumi started playing with the bells which caused Naruto and Sakura to look at her in shock. 

"You guys all don't fail," Kakashi started. Naruto cheered as Sakura smiled. Sasuke gave a small smirk while Ayumi had a faint hint of a smile. "Let me finish. You guys don't fail because all of you will never be able to become ninjas again. Forget returning to the academy, you guys don't deserve to be a ninja." Everyone looked at him in shock as Sasuke ran up to him to punch him but resulted in him being under Kakashi as he sat on top of him. Sakura yelled for her Sasuke-kun as Naruto was still in shock. Ayumi narrowed her eyes as if saying to give her an explanation. 

"Naruto and Sakura, you guys don't understand the point of this exam while Ayumi and Sasuke, you guys don't understand fully. This whole test was to see if you guys would work together. Not just between the strongest but the whole team. Sasuke and Ayumi, you guys did work together and managed to even steal the bells, I commend you for that but you guys never thought to go for Naruto or Sakura for help. No matter how weak they may be they are your teammates. Naruto you were obsessed with winning above Sasuke and it led to your demise while Sakura. You were so obsessed with Sasuke that you didn't even help Naruto who was right in front of you. Teamwork will come in handy for missions when you 4 are genins," Kakshi said while looking at each of them when talking about someone. He suddenly pulled out a kunai and pinned Ayumi down who acted quickly to stop Kakashi from aiming his kunai at Sasuke's neck. 

"Sakura, kill Naruto otherwise Sasuke dies." Everyone froze in shock as Ayumi shot daggers at Kakashi. He let her and Sasuke go as Sasuke quickly stood in front of Ayumi who was trying to kick him with all her might. 

"This is what happens in battles. People who abandon their missions are trash but people who abandon their comrades are scums." Everyone went quiet as they took this in. 

"But, I'll give you guys another chance. We'll test again later but you're not allowed to feed Naruto as he broke the rules." And with that, Kakashi disappeared as a stack of lunches took his place. Sakura grabbed it as she handed it to Sasuke and tossed one to Ayumi with a scowl. Ayumi rolled her eyes as she opened it and shoved it to Naruto's face. 

"I already ate, fatten yourself up so we can actually fight this time." Naruto looked at her with tears in his eyes as he fake cried for Ayumi's kindness. Ayumi shivered with disgust in response and slapped the back of his head to shut him up. 

"But I can't use my hands..." Naruto said. Ayumi twitched her eyes as she sighed and got a spoonful of the lunch to feed him but it was stolen by Sasuke who shoved it into Naruto's mouth. He gave a sinister fake smile as he shut up Naruto who was going to start complaining. Sakura stared in jealousy as she knew why Sasuke did that. But she wasn't going to lose as she started to try and feed Sasuke. Ayumi feeling queasy from all this backed away slowly. 

In the distance, Kakashi saw this scene and smiled warmly to himself. Maybe, just maybe he can try again. Try to trust someone. Try to love someone like a family again. He went out of his hiding spot as the skies turned dark and he yelled at the 4 students. 

"YOU.." he started. Sasuke quickly acted as he threw himself in front of Ayumi who just stared at Kakashi like a crazy monkey. Sakura screamed and grabbed onto Naruto who was very close to pissing his pants. "I said not to feed Naruto," Kakashi boomed. 

"You said we have to work together. How are we going to manage that when one of us has an empty stomach," Ayumi retorted. 

"So.. you answer that all of you are one?" Kakashi asked. Sakura and Naruto ferociously nodded as Sasuke sighed in response. Ayumi had goosebumps on her skin from the cringe comment. 

"You pass." Everyone looked at him confused. Kakashi gave an eye smile as he patted Sakura's head who slumped to the ground. "See you guys tomorrow at 7 AM sharp for a mission." And with that, he flash-stepped out and disappeared. 

A/N: I FINALLY DID ONE CHAPTER I literally have been writing this over a span of 2 days. I kept dropping it because I couldn't keep my focus :,) Sasuke x Ayumi moments will come up soon I'm sorry if some of you only wanted to see that but got crappy stuff instead. :,)\

3033 Words

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