My Missing Piece- Hyunsung

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After a long day of filming, Hyunjin went for a late-night swim, where he bumped into an old friend. This chance encounter led to a night full of emotions and happiness.


Hwang Hyunjin, the leader of his film crew, had a long and stressful day. He had spent most of his day dealing with the endless demands of his crew while trying to ensure that everything was on track for their upcoming shoot. As the day was coming to an end, he realized that he had made plans to enjoy a late-night swim at his condo. Since the pool was open 24 hours, he figured it wouldn't hurt anyone if he took a dip.

Hyunjin knew that he wouldn't be home till late that night since he had to edit the clips and everything his crew didn't. He felt a sense of exhaustion that he hadn't experienced before. It was as if a part of him was missing, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was.

Hyunjin was sitting in his office editing the last clip he needed to before he could leave. He had been working on it for hours, trying to perfect every detail. With a sigh of relief, he finally completed the edit and prepared to leave for his condo.


After months of studying in Sydney, Australia, Han Jisung had finally moved back to his home country, South Korea. During his stay in Australia, Han enjoyed exploring the city and learning more English, but he couldn't help feeling homesick and missing his old friend Hwang Hyunjin. Although he tried to keep himself busy by talking to his friends Chan and Felix, who often visited him in Australia, Han often found himself thinking about Hyunjin and their past.

As Han finished unboxing his last box, he couldn't wait to explore the new condo he had just moved into. He was particularly excited about the luxurious pool that came with it. The pool looked magical with its beautiful lights, and the seating area was spacious and well-designed, providing a stunning view of the pool. Although Han didn't feel like swimming, he decided to sit by the pool and relax.

Han brought along a book that he had promised himself he would finish on the plane, but he ended up sleeping most of the time instead. It was then that he saw a man he hadn't seen in almost four years. Some might say that Han and Hyunjin broke up, but they were never actually a couple. However, it wasn't a secret to people around them that they had feelings for each other. Han had always wanted to tell Hyunjin about his feelings, but he held back. Over a year ago, Hyunjin had gotten out of a bad relationship, and Felix had told Han all about how he was struggling to cope. Han wished he could comfort Hyunjin, but he was always scared of how he would react if he found out about Han's feelings.

Han was oblivious to the fact that Hyunjin had romantic feelings towards him. However, if given the opportunity, Hyunjin would surely confess his love for Han. His feelings for Han played a significant role in his decision to end his previous relationship. One night, while Hyunjin was sleeping, he unconsciously called out Han's name, which caused his ex to suspect him of cheating. This led to his ex becoming verbally and physically abusive towards him. Due to the toxic environment, Hyunjin ended the relationship, but after a month-long break, he regrettably went back to his ex. Despite knowing that he shouldn't have returned, he hoped to extinguish his feelings for Han. Hyunjin believed that Han didn't return his feelings, which made it even harder for him to move on.

( At the Pool)

Han finally arrived at the pool with his book in hand, ready to read and enjoy the serenity. When he noticed someone swimming, he didn't want to disturb them, so he chose a seat far away to give the person enough space. Han had been eagerly waiting all day to relax by the pool, and he was delighted to finally be able to enjoy the peaceful night sky.

The water was cool and refreshing, and Hyunjin had been enjoying his swim until he came up for a breath and noticed someone sitting by the pool. A voice interrupted his thoughts, "I'm sorry, is my splashing bothering you?" Hyunjin asked, glancing over at the person. The stranger, Han, was engrossed in a book and didn't seem to mind. "No, you're fine," Han replied, looking up briefly before returning to his reading.

But then something unexpected happened. Han suddenly looked up again, his eyes widening in surprise. "H-Hyunjin..." he stammered, unable to finish his thought. The two of them sat there in shock, hardly daring to believe what they were seeing.

Hyunjin slowly pulled himself out of the pool, grabbed his towel, and took a moment to dry himself off before sitting down next to Han. "When did you come back?" he asked, his voice filled with wonder and amazement.

Han hadn't spoken to Hyunjin in a while and was unsure of how to act around him. "Umm... Just yesterday. I just finished unpacking and moving," Han replied when asked about when he came back. "Let me guess, you're in condo 545," Hyunjin said. "Yeah, how did you know?" asked Han, putting his book down. "I'm in 544, I'm about two floors under you since we each have a two-story condo," Hyunjin explained with a light laugh, which both of them joined in before the silence crept in.

Han and Hyunjin let the silence fill the air, both feeling slightly uneasy about where the conversation might lead. Suddenly, Han broke the silence by asking, "How have you been?" He looked up at the stars, hoping to ease the tension. "I'm getting better. Felix told me, by the way," Hyunjin replied. "I swear I wasn't trying to be creepy," Han said, looking back at Hyunjin. "I don't mind. Thank you for asking about me, Jisung," Hyunjin reassured him.

They continued talking in hushed tones, each careful not to scare the other or ruin the moment. They just sat there, enjoying each other's company.

The two ended up in Hyunjin's condo after talking for hours.

Hyunjin posed the question, "Did you want some wine?" and Han nodded in agreement. As they sipped on their drinks, they found themselves falling into the same comfortable routine they had shared years ago. Hyunjin was overwhelmed by a rush of emotion and couldn't help but freeze in place as he stared out the window. Han noticed Hyunjin's sudden silence and asked, "Hyung, are you okay?" Concerned, he set down his wine glass and waited for Hyunjin's response.

Hyunjin's gaze slowly shifted back to Han as he tried to regain his composure. "Yeah, sorry, keep talking," he muttered. As their eyes locked, they both felt a sense of unspoken understanding that transcended words. Every unexpressed emotion seemed to be communicated through their gaze. They couldn't help but stare, each moment feeling like an eternity.

The tension between them grew palpable, but neither of them wanted it to end. Hyunjin inched closer to Han, who reciprocated the gesture and moved closer as well. The air was thick with anticipation, and they both knew that this moment was more significant than they could express in words.

The two of them finally connected in a kiss full of emotion and unspoken words. It was a gentle, warm kiss, and neither of them rushed it. "I love you, Han Jisung," Hyunjin said, pulling away from the kiss. "Hyunjin, I love you too. I always have, but I never said it," Han said, holding Hyunjin's face softly while rubbing his finger across his jawline. "Why didn't you tell me?" Hyunjin asked, pulling Han closer by his waist. "I was scared that it would ruin our friendship at that time, and I was moving. It just didn't feel right to tell you," Han said, laying his head on Hyunjin's shoulder. "Well, that's understandable. I'm just glad you're mine now," Hyunjin said.

A red tint came across Han's face as his face and body started to heat up. Hyunjin was mostly dry from earlier, but he didn't want to get sick, so he put on a bunch of clothes after getting out of the shower. Han ended up spending the night with Hyunjin, wearing Hyunjin's hoodie that was twice his size.

On that unforgettable night, they had finally discovered the secret to true happiness. It was a feeling they had been searching for, a missing piece that had eluded them for so long. Hyunjin couldn't contain his joy as he turned to Han, placing a tender kiss on his forehead. As sleep began to overtake his body, he whispered, "I think it's safe to say that I have my missing piece." Hyunjin said. While Han laid there, wide awake, his heart overflowing with gratitude and admiration for Hyunjin. Despite his best efforts to keep his emotions under control, he could feel himself getting giddy and excited like a teenage fangirl. But at that moment, nothing else mattered - they had found what they were looking for, and they were complete.

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