❪ 008 ❫. knife to your throat

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         "I'm trying to help you, Kinsley, because if you do find Charlotte and do what you're planning, how can you ever forgive yourself for killing a twelve-year-old?" Kinsley flared her nostrils as she continued to listen to Quinn, not meeting the McKenna girl's eyes. "Kinsley, you can still fix this. You might be the only one Murphy will listen to about putting an end to all of this."

         Kinsley shook her head, showing true emotions for the first time that night. "Not about this, Quinn," she said, her tone solemn. "Nothing's going to change John's mind. Not even me." Now that Kinsley's anger had time to fade, the girl was beginning to realise the depth her actions were causing. Seeing the binds strapped around Quinn's hands was enough proof for Kinsley to realise this had gone too far.

         Kinsley wasn't a monster that others may think. She was a teenage girl who had been put through hell, having to change to survive. And Quinn began to comprehend this as she saw the tears gathering in the West girl's eyes, sadly nodding her head to the information. Quinn took a glimpse at the ties around her wrists, slowly turning around to take note of where Murphy and the other boys spread out through the woods. "You can cut me loose."

         Kinsley frowned, her eyes darting to the knife Murphy made for her and back to the brunette. She whisked around quickly, checking their surroundings. "How are you going to get out of here without them noticing? If Murphy finds out you're gone, he'll know I let you go." Quinn closed her eyes, not thinking about what would happen to Kinsley if she were to suddenly disappear from her watch. Her mind had been so set on Charlotte that she completely forgot about the possible consequences Kinsley could face. "If you're worrying about me, don't. John wouldn't hurt me. He's reckless, that's for sure, but he's different when he's around me. I'm more worried about you. They wouldn't just hunt down the girl, but also you."

         Quinn stiffly nodded. "That's fine," she said. "I need to get to Charlotte. She's all I can think about right now. I need to know if Clarke and Finn got her somewhere safe" Murphy calling out to them had cut their conversation off, harshly telling them to keep up. Quinn didn't look back, yet she knew John was walking up to them as he groaned. Kinsley seemed to be stuck on what to do, but as Quinn called her name, pleading for her to be released, the West girl grumbled as she untucked her knife, cutting the ropes and binding her hands.

         As soon as she took off as fast as she could, she could hear Murphy's demands, ordering the other juveniles to chase after her. Quinn continued to run, not gazing back until she thought she was at a safe distance, seeing Kinsley putting her head down as Murphy seemed to yell in her face, causing her to falter.

         Being caught up in the scene beyond her, she didn't realise the male beside her until he pounced, lashing out his blade. Quinn groaned as she felt the blade slash against her arm, holding onto the injured arm as blood began to drip. She couldn't be distracted by the wound as the man attacked again, stepping back and successfully dodging the attack. Quinn yelled, her scream echoing through the trees as she was being chased, her legs too exhausted to keep up a steady and fast pace.

         The male, now far away to be out of sight from Murphy and the others, lurched forward. Quinn shrieked as she was thrown to the ground, turning on her back to see the juvenile hovering above her, a wicked smirk plastered on his face, signifying Quinn's defeat. She froze as fear shivered down her spine, her tearful eyes pleadingly staring up at the male as he lifted his blade, seemingly taunting the girl as he twisted it in his palm, tilting his head sickeningly.

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