Conrad shrugged, still smirking, "Oh please, don't pretend you don't love it."

The two laughed, and continued to talk for a while longer.

Suddenly, Matilda felt a new presence, she turned round and saw Belly stood there, quite far away, but she looked out of breathe. Matilda quickly looked back to the sea.

"So yeah-"  Conrad finished, "Tillss?" he asked,
"Con, look behind us." she replied

Conrad slowly looked behind him, with a confused expression, until he saw Belly.

Belly sighed, and walked off. She saw Conrad leaving the house this morning, obviously she didn't look long enough because she turned back round before she saw Matilda step out after him. She was hoping to catch him before she went to see Cam. she looked at her phone, and saw the time, and darted away.

"She's gone." Conrad announced, sighing.

Matilda wrapped Conrad's jumper closer around her, "Conrad, I think, she must hate me because she likes you."

Conrad let out a heavy sigh, "when we were kids, she liked me, but I really thought she would get over it, I'm sorry Tills."

Matilda turned her head to look at Conrad, who was already looking at her, "it's not your fault Con, I mean, I can't blame her, I had a crush on you too - obviously." she chuckled.

"Aw, you had a crush on me." Conrad grinned in a sing song voice.  Matilda laughed, burying her head in her hands. "Shut up!"

Conrad continued to tease her, "that's so cute!"
Matilda looked up, her face pink as she whacked his shoulder.
"Ouch!" he laughed, "Calm down Lockwood!"
"Oh, so we are on last name basis now Fisher?" Matilda questioned him, raising an eyebrow.
"Seems we are, Fisher." Conrad replied.
Matilda opened her mouth to say something, then immediately shut it again. Conrad smirked, proudly.
"I'm not- huh- you're just teasing me." Matilda stammered, a small laugh escaping her lips.
"I may be teasing you, but Matilda Fisher doesn't sound so bad."  Conrad thought aloud.
Matilda smiled widely, "Do you actually mean that?" she laughed.
Conrad's teasing smirk, turned into a soft smile,"Yeah, yeah I do."
"You know what Conrad Fisher, that's so cute!" Matilda responded. Conrad gasped in fake offence. "Using my own words against me?"
Matilda couldn't help a small giggle escape her lips. Conrad shook his head, and leant in and kissed her. Matilda kissed him back, happily. The two pulled apart, smiling, "Just so you know, I had a crush on you too, Fisher." Conrad murmured.

A/N: here's a light hearted, small chapter for you guys!! <3
Below are some social media bonuses, as I know they can be liked. If you don't like them, feel free to skip. 💗


  ——————-MatildaLockwood replied to ConradFishers story:I look horrific in those sweats, but it's actually adorable when u post me <3  AUSHSIWJOAJW

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MatildaLockwood replied to ConradFishers story:
I look horrific in those sweats, but it's actually adorable when u post me <3 AUSHSIWJOAJW

If horrific now mean's beautiful, then yes, you look horrific 💗
And what can I say, I just love showing my girl off.

kinda blushing rn ngl 😮😮

I can see that Tills ;)

ConradFisher replied to MatildaLockwood's Instagram story:❤️❤️Daylight dunadunadundundun 🕺

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ConradFisher replied to MatildaLockwood's Instagram story:
Daylight dunadunadundundun 🕺

Gonna be fr, I love that photo of u I might cry 😊
If I was a bluebird I would fly to yaaa

Ur probs ab to throw a cushion at me but I don't care. You are actually too sweet sometimes Matilda Inez Lockwood (Fisher) , I might cry aswell 😊😊
You'd be the spoon, dip u in honey so id be sticking to yaaaa 🍯

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