chapter 1

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Tuesday, 17 January

Mom: oh, Atlehang. my baby, I'm so proud of you!

She says with tears in her eyes. My big brother, Tebello comments as well...

Tebe: I'm proud of you, sis. dad would also be very proud of you.

In case you're wondering, their commenting on my matric results. Also, the reason why my brother speaks of my father in past tense is because he passed away when I was in grade 11.

Me: thank you, ma.

*end of flashback

Hey, I'm Angel Atlehang Kgomo and I am a 18 year old photographer. I am light skinned, short and petite. I'm 5'0 feet tall and I have the most beautiful, big afro.

Thursday, 16 February

My brother, Tebe comes in with some paper bags and pizza in his other hand.

Me: Tebe, I missed you so much!

I probably last saw him the day before yesterday and that is a long time for me to not see my brother. He literally just moved into his own house a month ago but it still feels it has been forever.

Tebe: I missed you too, my baby. I thought that maybe I should get you a few things with school coming in a few months, you should be fully prepared. so these are clothes and then I also got you something extra special.
Me: and that is?
Tebe: you know how you have been asking mama for an upgrade for two years now?
Me: yeah?
Tebe: well, I went to Apple Store.
Me: you went there and?
Tebe: I got you an upgrade.
Me: what?! you lie!
Tebe: I never lie, little girl.
Me: no, you lie. you lied that time when I asked you about your ex and you told me-
Tebe: do you want the phone or not?
Me: I do.
Tebe: then hush that little mouth of yours and rejoice in the moment.
Me: thank you, big brother. so you got me the 13?
Tebe: yep, I got you the 13. where is mom?
Me: she left a few minutes ago to go get some fabric for the client who wants that expensive dress.
Tebe: wow, people have money.
Me: my brother, they have money to waste hey. they should just give it to me.
Tebe: no.

I laugh and he looks at me, confused.

Me: why would you say that? I am responsible and I know how to use my money.
Tebe: if you say so. does Gucci even know the t-shirt that you're wearing right now?
Me: you bought this for me, idiot.
Tebe: oh, please. I bought that from a street vendor.
Me: do you think that is okay? do you think it's safe that you gave it to me.
Tebe: if you die, you die!
Me: that's why it was itchy, it's fake.
Tebe: oh? so you've always wanted to say that, you little brat?

We both erupt into laughter.

Tebe: that means that you're not used to quality, ugly child.
Me: and you're unplanned.
Tebe: and you're adopted.
Me: at least I was planned.
Tebe: at least I belong here.
Me: shut up, you old man. you are fighting with a baby, are you proud of yourself?

My mom walks in, already laughing at us.

Mom: what are you two arguing about?
Tebe: your child is ungrateful.
Me: and your son was unplanned.
Mom: you were also not planned, I found out about you four months later.
Me: mama, don't lie.

My mom is petite, there is no way she would not have known that she was pregnant.

This is a conversation we have everyday because this big headed boy that calls himself a man calls us everyday. He is such a big baby.

Mom: let us be serious for a moment though. my baby, I am proud of you. I am proud of the both of you. Angel, you are going to study in an entire different continent in a few months on scholarship. I am so proud of you, my baby. Tebello, thank you for finally leaving my house.

We all erupt in laughter.

Mom: you have been here for too long.
Tebe: I am only 23, mama.
Me: that is a big age, men your age have families.
Tebe: shut up, your peers are stressed about assignments.
Mom: stop it, you two. I am trying to be serious here. Tebello, I want grandkids now. Angel, I don't want any grandkids from you right now. Tebello is old now and should settle down.
Tebe: I will settle down when I'm 30.
Mom: you are mad.
Tebe: Mom?
Mom: you are not serious, I want grandkids as in yesterday. I want a daughter-in-law that can take over my duties in this household and you are telling me about 30.
Me: mama, Tebe bought me a phone.
Mom: really?!

See what I did there? I can't let her lecture my brother like that, she will go on for hours.

Mom: let me see it.

That's how it's done, kids. That is how you divert your parents attention. She was doing too much anyway. Tebello is still young and he wants to experience life. Also, he has begun growing closer to God and I am so proud of him. Slowly but surely, he is submitting his entire life to Christ. Tebello is focused on that so I don't blame him for not looking to settle down right now, he wants to grow in Christ so he can be a good head of his household.

Mom: oh, this is beautiful.

He winks at me and puts his hands in a prayer position to thank me. I wink back at him. We do this all the time after saving each other from the beautiful woman who gave us life. No one understands a brother more than a sister.

Mom: thank you so much, my boy. I am proud of you for taking care of your sister like this, God will bless you abundantly for caring for this little rascal.
Me: mama?
Mom: leave me alone. please cook as well.
Me: but Tebe brought food, mom.
Mom: you call this junk food? please cook, Angel.
Me: okay.

I won't even argue about it because an insane lecture will follow.

the trip to russiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora