"Kids." That was the first I'd heard my mom spoken this whole car ride. "Yeah" I look to my mom "I'm actually 24." Grover confessed "Hold on. Please"

"Wait what did you say Grover?!" We all held onto something as the Minotaur ran up to the car and Mrs.Jackson rammed into it with the car but the Minotaur didn't give up that easily.

It rammed into the car harder breaking the windows on the driver side. Then a truck was driving on the other side honking at us as the Minotaur horn was still hooked on the window pushing the car.

The truck hit the Minotaur making it fly back and crash down and we go flying into the woods.

The blonde boy grabs onto his old best friend as they crashed. The satyr kicks the window to break an opening to get out and he crawls out the back windshield.

"Is everyone okay?" Sally Jackson asked as she checked everyone "yeah, I'm okay. Meallan hit her head though" Percy carried the girl out the car as she had passed out on contact "okay um. Here set her on the ground." Alyssa crawled out the car and ran to her daughter "Meallan come on wake up." She tapped her daughter's face as Sally turned on a flash light to look around.

Meallan opened her dark hazel eyes and looked at her mom "what happened" she mumbled wiping the blood off that ran down her face from the cut on her forehead. "This way!" Sally yelled to them "don't worry we'll fix the cut at camp" Alyssa helped her daughter up as they walked up the hill a little.

Percy helped Grover walk. Grover pushed himself off Percy and limped a little forward before speaking "we're here. That's the boundary. No monsters can cross it." He looks back at everyone else "Percy and Meallan will be safe on the other side." And Meallan felt her heart stop at his words.

" 'Percy and Meallan will be...' but wont all of us be safe?" Meallan nodded in agreement of what Percy said and She turned to her mom, Percy doing the same.

Sally and Alyssa look to the satyr "Grover. We are entrusting you to protect our babies. Our only children." Alyssa placed her hands on his shoulder to make sure he was paying close attention to "dont worry, they'll both be totally safe at camp-"

"Swear it." Sally said in a hard and stern voice "what's happening?" Meallan voice broke as she spoke "swear it. Grover!" Alyssa yelled to him. "Keep them safe from anyone or anything that comes for them. That wants to do harm. That looks at them the wrong way."

"Do you understand us?" Sally finished "I swear!" Grover promised before they heard the Minotaur roar from the distance. Alyssa and Sally look at each other before looking at there children "we gotta go now, sweetheart." Alyssa crouched slightly to be eye level with them.

"Go? What do you mean go?" Percy started to panic but Sally placed her hands on her son's shoulder to calm him "we can't go with you."

"Why can't you?" Meallan turned to her mom in worry "she's human." Everyone turned to look at Grover "what do you mean she? Don't you mean there human?" Percy quickly asked Grover and he turned away as Sally started to talk to Percy.

"You're gonna need to be brave now."  Sally told her son and her daughter figure as she placed a hand on Meallan shoulder and the other stayed on Percy's.

"No you can't leave me now." Meallan turned to her mom and Sally "I still need you guys. Please."

Sally smiled at the young girl "you're gonna be just fine." And she kissed her forehead before turning to Percy who had tears in his eyes that he refused to let fall "Remember what I taught you. Remember the stories I told you."

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