| xxxxvii ; trump card

Start from the beginning

"This is so annoying," She muttered from her spot, unable to move her body at all. "Fuck, am I paralysed? I can't move my back."

She closed her eyes, redirecting her focus and energy into Reverse Cursed Technique to heal herself. In the meantime, Sukuna had recovered thanks to Mahoraga punching Y/N while she was distracted.

"Well, well," Sukuna muttered as he calmly walked over to where Y/N laid. "Guess it's the end of the line for you."

Y/N didn't open her eyes but instead decided to stop healing herself with Reverse Cursed Technique.

Sukuna looked at her, "You dead already?"

"Nah," She grinned and opened her eyes, looking down at him. "I've made up my mind."

Sukuna stared at her before he moved his hand, gesturing for Mahoraga to go in with its attack. Y/N remained in her position, staring at the approaching Mahoraga. When it was about a metre away, she raised her hands and placed them together before extending it.


A surge of light appeared from Y/N's palms and enveloped Mahoraga in a ball of light. Mahoraga realised its predicament and the wheel above its head spun, apparently attempting to adapt to her light so it could find a way to escape.

However, before it could figure out a way to escape, the ball of light grew brighter and more blinding until it finally exploded, creating a large flash to its surroundings. When the light died down, Mahoraga was in brutally burnt and it looked as if it was on the brink of death.

"You thought you could use Mahoraga to adapt to my technique like you did with Gojo-sensei?" She stated. "You're more foolish than I thought. You can't adapt to my technique, ever. Why? It's directly linked to the universe and it is ever expanding, ever creating. So, even if Mahoraga does adapt to one of my attacks, I can just easily counter it by creating something new."

Sukuna clicked his tongue in annoyance, staring at his forearms which were now burnt as he used them to cover himself from the light.

"I'll admit," Sukuna said. "You have me in a pinch. But that doesn't mean I don't have something up on my sleeves."

"You're not the only one with something up their sleeves, Sukuna," She replied and raised her hands, taunting him with a 'come here' motion. "Go ahead. Show me what you got."

"Lord Sukuna!"

Y/N looked up at the sky from where the voice came from. She spotted a ginormous block of ice hurling down at her. Above it was none other than Uraume, coming to aid the man they served.

"Uraume?!" Sukuna exclaimed.

"Get out of my way!" Y/N glared at Uraume, aiming her hand at Uraume's direction and opened her palm. A blinding, white light emerged from her palm and shot at Uraume, destroying the block of ice and knocking the sorcerer down.

In the chaos of the ice melting due to the heat of the light, a tool emerged in Sukuna's hands. Before dealing with him, Y/N moved over to Uraume, grabbing the sorcerer by their clothes.

"Didn't your precious Lord Sukuna teach you that it's rude to interrupt when the adults are fighting?" She grinned deviously. "Say goodbye to your precious Lord."

Y/N snapped her fingers and dozens of swords made of light appeared in the sky. With the flick of her wrist, those swords rained hellfire on Uraume, piercing her body countless of times, pinning her on the ground and ending her life.

When Y/N looked back to Sukuna, she had just realised his appearance had changed. No longer was he in Megumi's body. No, this time, he looked very different. Four arms, two mouths, two sets of eyes—this was the true form of the strongest sorcerer in history.

"Scale of the dragon, recoil, twin meteors," Sukuna's second mouth chanted away while one of his four arms pointed at Y/N's direction. "Dismantle."

At a speed much faster than before and at a power unlike anything before, Y/N could only blink before she realised it was coming at her way. No time to set up a defense, she closed her eyes from instinct and awaited the pain from Sukuna's Dismantle.

One second... two seconds... three seconds... Nothing.

Y/N opened her eyes after those three seconds and found herself widening her eyes when she saw what was protecting her. A black sphere covered her body, leaving Sukuna's attack useless outside.

"Nacht?" Y/N whispered. "Are you here?"

Only one person was able to conjure a black sphere for defensive purposes—her Nacht. When the sphere dissipated away, Y/N looked around frantically, wondering if some miracle had happened.

"Tsk," Sukuna clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Even after death, you prove to be a nuisance, Faust."

Y/N's heart lurched when she couldn't spot a sign of Nacht. She sighed and shook her head, focusing back on the battle.

"Beginning of salvation, ending of destruction," Y/N whispered. "Celestial Bodies, enforce the sacred laws—Eta Carinae!"

The sky seemed to part and open up and deep into the galaxy, the stellar system, Eta Carinae, shone at the call of its summoner. A system combined of at least two stars and brighter than the Earth's Sun by at least five million times, it rained down an ounce of its power at Sukuna.

An ounce of its power was enough to critically burn and damage Sukuna's true form as even if he tried to run, the light would still be able to find him anyway.

Y/N grinned when she saw Sukuna's damaged form in an instant after summoning her first spell, "This time, you're the one dying."

Sukuna glared at her as he activated his Reverse Cursed Technique and began healing himself. He spoke, "Five moves. I'll end you in five moves."

"Five? I can end you in one," She said, faking a yawn.

"Then I'll end you in one as well," Sukuna declared, summoning a spear from his time back in the Heian Era. "With this, you'll join your teacher on the other side."

"That's if you can even land a hit on me," She taunted. "Come on, Sukuna. One move each until the battle ends."

Sukuna lunged in, three of his four arms reaching to grab her while the other arm swung his spear. Y/N dodged each of his arms vigilantly before jumping over Sukuna, kicking him at the back of his head. However, Sukuna was quick to recover and reached one of his arms at her legs, dragging her down to the ground.

Y/N summoned her sword in the nick of time, blocking his spear from piercing her body. Her sword shook against Sukuna's strong grip with his spear, doing her best to hold out. However, his physical strength had practically doubled with his true form, so she unfortunately lost in the battle of strength.

When Sukuna saw her grip loosen, he took that opportunity and pushed her back, using the spear to send her hurling through buildings immediately.

Not again! Y/N screamed in her head while crashing through multiple buildings.

Crash after crash, Y/N suffered from being thrown into multiple buildings. After what seemed like having been thrown through ten buildings, she finally crashed onto the last building. Dust flew around her from the effect of crashing the walls and bricks were falling carelessly around her.

Y/N couldn't move as she helplessly stared up at the unbroken portion of the wall above her. She couldn't feel or hear anything. Her senses were being invaded by a loud ringing sound as she was completely out of it. Blood trickled down the sides and back of her head, staining the bricks below her.

Sukuna calmly began his walk over to her, smirking at her. Y/N registered the sound of his footsteps and looked at him in a haze.

"Told you I'd end you with one move."

❛ 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 ❜ ━━━ (𝗼. 𝘆𝘂𝘁𝗮)Where stories live. Discover now