Chapter 8

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,,Nooooo!", I woke up with a scream. I was wet with sweat and breathing irregular. With shaking legs, I stood up and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. After a while and a few gulps of water, I calmed down. I knew it was just a dream but it felt like I was a child again and it was reality. The clock in the kitchen told me that it was 5 in the morning and I was sure that I couldn't go to sleep anymore, so I decided to make a cake.

After I collected all the necessary ingredients, I preheated the oven at 180 degrees Celsius (I'm German so it's in Celsius). Then I mixed the eggs, the sugar and vanilla sugar for ten minutes on the highest setting. The mass should be tripled in size. I add the flour in while lightly whisking it. To finish, I pour it in the mold and popp it it the oven and bake it around 30-40 minutes. While the sponge cake is baking, I decide to start with a mascarpone cream. The mascarpone, whipped cream, quark, vanilla syrup and powdered sugar are mixed to an even cream. I taste test the cream filling and separate two small parts from the big batch. With food coloring, I die one part light pink and the other in a forest green and put the creams in the fridge. Just then, the timer for the cake went off and I took the hot, freshly baked sponge cake out the oven and let it cool for 20 minutes. I separate the cake in three equal parts and put cream in between each layer and some berries for a fruity flavor. Before I decorate the cake, I let it set in the fridge for another 10 minutes and then coat it with the rest of the white cream. As a decoration, I pipe little roses on top of the cake with the pink and green cream.

By now it was already 7 o'clock and I am supposed to meet Jiwoo in an hour to go on a run, so I put the finished cake in the fridge and decide to share it with the volleyball team at the evening practice

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By now it was already 7 o'clock and I am supposed to meet Jiwoo in an hour to go on a run, so I put the finished cake in the fridge and decide to share it with the volleyball team at the evening practice. I eat a banana, so I would have eaten a bit before the run and went into the bathroom to get ready.

I brush my teeth and wash my face with cold water because I decided to take a shower after our run. I pull my hair in a high ponytail and fixate it with hair spray. To hide the dark circles under my eyes that are caused by the short night I had, I put on a little concealer and powder and also add some blush, highlighter and mascara to be more presentable. With one last make up check, I head to my wardrobe to pick an outfit from my running clothes.

I put the outfit on and fill my bottle of water in the kitchen

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I put the outfit on and fill my bottle of water in the kitchen. After I grab my keys and my phone, I leave the apartment and start walking towards the park where I agreed to meet up with Jiwoo. Since Jiwoo got there with her car, I left my bottle and the things I didn't need in it to have free hands while running.

,, Hey babe.", Jiwoo hugged me as a greeting. ,,Hi.", I answered. To not waste any time we started our run and talked about a few things that are going on in our life. But I surely didn't want to tell her about the nightmares and panic attacks. In the middle of the park is a lake where we decided to take a break on a small white bench to catch our breath. We checked our smart watches to see the distance and time we have already made. In 40 minutes we had run 6 km which was pretty good. On the lake a duck family was swimming and we watched for a while and enjoyed the peace and quite away from the busy streets of Seoul.
For about 15 minutes we just sat there and let the beautiful nature consume us before we continued our run. After another 20 minutes and 2.5 km, we reached Jiwoo's car again and immediately drank some water. By now it was already 9:20 a.m. and to finish the start of the day, we went into a small café near the park and drank some well deserved coffee.

Author's note: Hey babes😘, another chapter done. There are a few mistakes with the time I used 👀but I am to lazy to fix it and I believe you will understand either way. Maybe when the book is finished I will reread it and correct the mistakes but right now I don't have the motivation. Hope you will unterstand and feel free to leave comments where I made the mistakes so I can easily correct them. You can also leave your general thoughts on the chapter and I hope to see you again in the next chapter❤️. Have a great day and be happy. 😘😁

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