Bonus Epilogue: Grant POV

Start from the beginning

Turning my head I saw a tall, dark haired man approaching us.

"Sorry Em. I got caught up helping Gia with her grandparents."

"No problems honey. I know she was worried about them getting through that car park with all the loose gravel so I'm glad you were there to give her a hand."

Without even acknowledging me he leaned in and kissed her. It was a claiming kiss, with both hands on either side of her face and she melted into him. The blush on her face afterwards reminded me of so many moments in our past. Moments I'd never have again because I chased after the wrong things.

"You looked so beautiful walking down that aisle I could barely stay in my seat. I've been dying to kiss you for the last thirty minutes."

He wasn't wrong. She'd been the most beautiful bridesmaid today. I wouldn't say it out loud but she definitely outshined the bride too.

Acknowledging me finally he turned and extended his hand.

"Hello. I'm Aidan. Emily's husband."

At the word husband I felt the colour drain from my face. Looking down I noticed the large ruby and diamond rings on her left hand. How had I missed that? His name rang a bell. Then I realised he was the fucker who was on stage with her that night. He was the one who whisked her away from me. He was the owner of that Hoodie I'd shoved into the hallway garbage chute.

She was now shifting her feet awkwardly. Looking from Aidan to me. I could tell she felt uncomfortable and was worried about me causing a scene. The last few times we'd seen each other I'd been so volatile it was no wondering she was anxious. I didn't want that. I didn't want her upset by me ever again. I cleared my throat and for once chose to be a decent guy.

"Congratulations Emily. Aidan you've got yourself a great girl. The best."

"I know."

Just two words and his voice was hard but the smile she gave him made my heart ache. The way she looked at him. Those smiles used to be mine. When she turned to me her smile dropped a little and she looked sad. There were tears in her eyes the longer she looked at me. Was she thinking about all the times we'd talked about getting engaged and I'd never followed through. Talked about the kind of ring I'd buy her and never did. The ring she didn't know about that I still had in my bedside drawer, that I'd never have a chance to give her now. I wondered if she ever thought about our conversations about the type of wedding we'd have one day. How excited my mum was at the prospect of having a daughter to take wedding dress shopping. Because of me our one day never came. 

No more tomorrows for me. They were now all his.

"Emily we need you for photos." The wedding coordinator was beckoning her towards the side door that lead to the garden.

"You go beautiful. I'll see you later. Don't forget to ask if the photographer can get a shot of us in front of that jacaranda tree out back. I know how much you love those flowers."

She gave him a happy smile then. Obviously thankful he'd remembered such a small detail about her. Had I remembered that? I didn't think so.

"Okay. Hopefully we won't be too long. I know Sophie doesn't want too many posed shots. Good seeing you Grant. Hope you enjoy the evening."

With that she walked away from me and I realised that would probably be the last conversation I ever had with her. My fantasy of coming to this wedding and us reconnecting after she'd seen all the changes I'd made was now irrelevant. She belonged to another man. And she belonged to him in a way she'd never belonged to me.

He was looking at her with so much love and as much as I hated the guy at least she was with someone who'd treat her right.

"I know who you are." My voice was rough as he turned back to face me. I wouldn't make a scene but it was going to be hard to play nice with the guy who had my girl.

"Yeah. I know who you are too. We've talked a lot about you over the years. As I helped her heal from the trauma you caused her. But that's okay man. I didn't mind the work. Happy to put in the effort to help her heal so that she'd get to a place where she'd wear my ring. Where I get to love her properly for the rest of her days."

I felt myself bristle at his insinuating I didn't love her, or that he loved her more.

"I loved her you know. You might not believe me but I did. Everything I did was for her. For our future. As fucked up as my approach was, she's the only woman I've ever loved."

"I do believe you. But it doesn't matter because you didn't love her right. And now I get to love her better. Nothing comes before Emily. No family. No job. No amount of money. Nothing. We are each other's number one priority. Always. I don't want to argue with you man. It's Sophie's wedding day and Emily would be upset if we got into it. Just know this. I do not like you. She's got a big heart and has forgiven you. But me, I just see her face that first night at Club Rouge and every single time I held her while she cried over you. Her guilt for crying over one man while she fell for another. Fell for me. That's on you and I hope to fuck you learned your lesson so you don't break any other women for good men to have to fix."

With that cutting comment he walked away from me and I sat down in the closest chair. My second chance fantasy completely shattered.

I managed to stick it out through dinner and the speeches but once the dancing started I knew I had to get out of here. I couldn't watch her in his arms when all I could think about was how she used to feel in mine. 

As I walked across the carpark towards my car I heard my name being called. Turning towards the double doors I spotted Emily. She was hurrying towards me.

"Were you going to leave without saying goodbye?"

"I thought it was best." I gave her a sad smile as she walked the last two steps to get to me.

"Well I wanted to say goodbye. We spent a lot of years together Grant and I'd hope that if we run into each other at a wedding or on the street we could at least give each other a genuine smile."

This woman. She didn't even realise she was killing me all over again with her beautiful soul. If the roles were reversed I'd never want to see her face again. The way I'd hurt her was unimaginable yet she was still showing me kindness. I knew I'd never find another Emily. I'd never love someone the way I loved her. 

Losing her would be the biggest regret of my life.

"I'll always have a smile for you Emily. Be happy sweetheart. You deserve it."

"I am so happy Grant. He treats me so well, he adores me. I didn't know love could be like this. You probably don't want to hear that but it's the truth. You broke me and he helped me heal and become better." God how that hurt. Her words although delivered softly were killing me. 

She took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"I'm not telling you that to hurt you. I'm telling you because I want you to know that you can find that too. I want you to be happy like this Grant. I hate to think of you alone. Find somebody and love them the right way. Be the boy who healed my heart me when my father broke it in two. Any girl would be lucky to love that man. I know I was. Take care."

With that she gave me one last soft kiss on the cheek and headed back to the doors into the hall. Aidan was standing there hands in his pockets waiting. When she approached he wrapped one arm around her and she stood on tip toes so she could kiss him before he held the door for them both to walk inside. 

Out of my life forever.


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