No longer the only ones.

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Lefiyas p.o.v.

I missed Bell...

It was only a view day's since our expedition started
Yet my heart still ache'd not being able to be with him
Even thought i know i was going to see him when returning to Floor 18
I actually couldn't stop blushing thinking of our promise to take a bath togther...
Im sure Hermes would grin like an idiot if he'd about it
But fortunately he didn't....

"Lefiya on the left!"Riveria warnt me
A group of Four Satyr's attacked me
"Fire Bolt!" the Satyr's were gone in a blaze of fire
Only their Magic stone's remained

"nice fire spite Elf"Bete gave a moment of rare praise
"But than again....
It would be pitiful if you could ride a Dragon and still get killed by a Satyr!"he added mockingly
And everyone laughed,i could only smile i was happy that they knew I was Bell's Wife!
I was proud at being on the one true hero! I truly love Bell! He was kind and good,strong and understandable
What could a girl want more in a Mann?

"he is riding me just as much as i do him!
And im proud of that!"i said

Aiz looked at me with abhorrence
"disgusting!"the Sword princess hissed
It seemd her hatred for Bell had only increased over time...

"jealous?"i asked her a bit mockingly

"what?"Aiz asked with hatred and anger burning red in her face

I feeld a bit bad because it seemd i took it to far
So i said,

"you know...
I think you should train with us,
I mean if all your fighting is just training for fighting the big bad Dragon in the end
Than Bell should be the best possible training partner for that right?"i said hopping to convince her

Aiz looked even angry,than... She stopped
She seemd to think very hard until she seemd to come to a conclusion
She tried to hide a praetory smile as she said "okay..."in a dark frightening voice

I think i might have made a pretty big Mistake...
Im sorry Bell...

Bell's p.o.v

I was smiling at Welf and Lily
I already had part of my family back
Next should be the encounter with Mikoto...

I must admit our encounter will not be very favorable
Given the entire passparade disaster
But,it will all go right eventually

It's a shame i couldn't save Haruhime already
Syr had already promise'd to help me with saving her
But she also insist that this was mainly my own Fight, So i had to be there and do the Main thing and for that i had to be Level 3 at least

Im sure i would reach level 3 after the fight with the Black Goliath at my actual pace
But not having Haruhime here to interact with Mikoto was...

Speaking of the devil....
The passparade just happened
And everything ended up exactly as before...

But than i got attacked at the end of the seventeenth floor but not by the Goliath
The one who attacked me was......

"Dix Peredix!?

"i don't know who you are Kid
But i was told you killed me
And i really didn't liked that.....

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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