chapter 1

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just because i carry it well
doesn't mean it's not heavy.

Aspen Williams

I wake up to my alarm blaring in my ear. I open my eyes and look around my room. There is not much in here. Just my bed, desk and a couple of decorative things, like pictures of my family and I when we were all happy.. That was before my mom passed away.

My dad had been abusing her and she couldn't take it anymore.. So she committed suicide, and wrote me a letter. I never opened it. If I did it would absolutely break me. I know it would.

Ever since my mom left. My dad blamed me. Everyday he would go to work, then come home drunk and abuse me. It first started off with slaps and verbal things. But over the past year or two it's gotten worse. Ranging from kicking me till I pass out to punching me and cutting me with knives.

I'm covered in bruises and scars. And I constantly have to cover them up. Either with baggy hoodies and sweatpants, or with makeup. Such as i'm doing now. I've gotten into this routine mostly every morning.

I get out of bed and let out a hiss from last nights beatings. I open my door and step out of my room and glance down the hall to see if my dad had left for work or not. Luck seemed to be on my side this morning, since he was already out of the house. I limp to the bathroom and take a deep breath preparing for what I was about to look at in the mirror.

Looking up at the mirror, I notice I have a black eye, a busted lip and some little cuts on my cheek. Sighing I start to take off my clothes, trying not to hurt myself further than I already am. I get into the shower and try to suppress the hiss leaving my mouth when the water is freezing cold. I guess my father spent all his money on alcohol this month and forgot to pay for the heat. I slowly get out of the shower and go back into my room to get dressed. Grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, I glance at the time.

"Oh shit." I say to myself, realizing it's already 7:30 and I have to leave soon. I put my beat up converses on and go back into the bathroom and do my best to cover up the wounds from the previous night. Finishing up I go down stairs and head out the door. Walking to school as fast as I can so i'm not late.

Arriving at school, I try speed walking as fast as I can to my locker so I can get my stuff and head to my first period. Right when I get inside the bell rings. Signaling i'm late to class. Rushing as fast as I can, I walk into Mrs. Jamison's class and make my way to the farthest seat in the back.

She begins to start teaching. Just as I started to fall asleep. The door slams open. Making me aware of my surroundings once again. "How nice of you to join us Mr Armani." Says Mrs. Jamison. He doesn't say a word and walks straight past her and to the back of the class. I don't think much of it and try to go back to sleep.

That is until I hear a chair scrape out next to me. I peak over at the noise and I see him sitting down next to me. Just my luck.. I sigh and put my head back down. He elbows me. Letting out a hiss that I try to suppress, he looks over at me.

Then it hits me. I'm sitting next to Cole. Cole fucking Armani. He's one of the most rude and arrogant guys in this awful school. Realizing i'm not going to be getting sleep anytime soon. I start to pay attention to what the teacher is saying. Still shocked that Cole is even in class, I can't seem to focus. That is until I dread the words that come out of Mrs. Jamison's mouth. "And finally Aspen and Cole will be partners."

Like my day couldn't get any fucking worse.

Turning to look at him. Seeing him already looking at me. I say. "Want me to just do it?"
He reply's in his thick italian accent. "Well hello there to you to bella." I groan and look away from him. He lets out a chuckle and I can feel his burning gaze in the side of my head. "I actually want to get a good grade on this, seeing as tho you were sleeping when I walked in. Also that it is 75% of our grade" He states making me snap my head toward him.


Cole Armani.. Caring about school? Did he get hit in the head.. I sigh "Okay then.. Where do you wanna work on this then?" I ask him. "We can't go to mine." He immediately says. I look up at him suspiciously. "Hey what happened to your face?" He asks genuinely confused and concerned. When I was trying to fall asleep my hoodie must have wiped some of my makeup off.. 'Oh shit' I thought to myself.

"Nothing happened, I just tripped this morning. You know rushing and stuff." I replied, hoping he doesn't press about it further. "Okay.." He says still seeming suspicious of me. "We can't do the project at my place either. Library maybe?" I ask. "Sure." He replies. "Okay what's your number?" I ask not realizing what I just asked. "Woah calm down bella, I just met you." he responds with a snarky smirk.


This is going to be an interesting project..


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