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A week upon arriving classes finally were in session. I had made one or two more friends, and explored half the campus. I already knew where to eat and where to stay miles away from. I knew the amazing study spots, or where to find all the books I'd ever need.

I was on my way to class when I saw the first familiar face since I had gotten here. This face was more than familiar though it was lovely. It was hers. I honestly thought I would never see her again, but there she stood books in hand. How could I be dumb enough not to remember hearing Mom read in the newspaper about the Bush girl, and her acceptance to Stanford.Next thing I knew I was standing right in front of her. Her friend was first to notice me; she glared with confusion. Then was Jodie. A giant smile spread across her face when she was hit with realization. SHe engulfed me in a hug, and I hugged her back.

"Is this you know who?" The other girl asked. Who was you know who, and was I him? Did she tell people about me? Who else could who know who be? Did he go to school here?

"No, no ,no ,no,no no!" She responded quickly. I could feel myself frown a little. That meant she liked someone else. And I had no clue who this guy was either. "This is my friend Larry. Hee comes from my hometown, Salem. Larry, this is Chloe. She and I have just become friends recently." I nodded my head towards Chloe. "Anyways, I didn't know you had plans of going here, nor that you actually do go here. I would have said hello much much earlier." Her words made me smile.

"Yeah, I've dreamt of coming here since I was a kid. Never thought I would be able to, but here I am." Chloe just stared as we talked. "Well I have to be off to class. Don't wanna be late on my first day." I said

"Ok, same here. I'll see you around though. What building are you in?"

"Mine is right next to the dining hall, please come visit whenever."I looked at my watch, and it read eight ten. About five minutes til class begins.

"I'm going to hold you to that!" Jodie shouted at me as I ran down the street. I waved goodbye as I did.

As I entered the lecture I saw students everywhere. Everyone was readying for the professor to enter. The lecture was on business. I knew very little about business. The little I did was from a book anyhow.

As I took a seat the professor scribbled something across the creaky chalkboard. "Mr. Thompson" it read. I can only assume that was his name and not the topic of today's lecture.

"Hello students." Once his voice rang through the room everybody was sure to sit down and stay silent; including me. "I am Mr.Thompson, as you read here.' He pointed towards the board; ensuring me that was not the topic. "Everyone here has decided to either take the path towards becoming a business man or lady, or is interested in that idea." I had never been to something like this. I know it sounds very nerdy, but I was completely mesmerized.

Mr. Tompson spoke with such confidence. He made every sentence seem as though it were a cliffhanger of my favorite book. "My first few lectures/ lessons will be fairly easy, but if you find them strugglesome then I will suggest you leave. For everything that follows them will be ten times worse."

I looked around to see plain terror wash over many faces. I was a little scared, but if my dad ever taught me one thing it would be to never let anyone know how scared you really are. So I simply acted unbothered by this, and began to jot notes down on my papers.

Mr. Thompson must have noticed because he smiled happily at me. 

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