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Today was the day. The day when I'd be free to do what I want when I want to. I would be welcome forsure, people who are like me would be there. They too who have bigger plans in life than just farming.

Dad and I load my red truck, and some of his with all my stuff. Mom and Mary Laura rode with him while I rode alone.

The ride was long, but joyful. It was quiet, but peaceful. No pestering Dad, no bothering sister, and no annoying employees who want the money my dad owes them. I could surely get used to this.

After ten hours I arrived. This is my ultimate dream place. For so long I have wanted nothing more than this. Now I am here. The school was practically a palace. Never have I seen something so amazing. If I were a loser I'd probably cry, but I'm not, so I won't.

By the time all my stuff was put away, well at least half of it, it was already twelve o'clock, midnight. Mom and Dad went home despite the very late hour, and though I felt bad to admit it; i was glad.

I was finally free. My parents would soon be exactly six hundred twenty six miles away. The only problem I would have is to do my homework, which I was excited for, and studying, which would be easy for me.

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