"If you know what's good for you, let me lead you out don't look around as we walk, just look at me." Alexi warned Elias as he led the boy out of the compound. As they made their way out Alexi was careful to not let himself or Elias trip on any dead bodies. Elias had closed his eyes after getting a glimpse of one of the corpses.

Alexi led them to the car waiting to extract Elias and put the two boys inside. "Be safe cutie." He winked at Elias before leaving the boys to be whisked away to safety.

The relift Jestion had when his brother was found was short lived. His nerves from the thought of seeing his brother after all these years filled his entire body. He paced back and forth in the dining room waiting for his brother's car to arrive. When the maid notified him he ran out of the house to the yard.

His breath stopped as he watched the car roll to a stop. The door opened and for the first time in thirteen years Jestion saw his brother. He noticed the boy still had those same innocent big green eyes as Elias stared at him in confusion then shock. Jestion slowly moved towards his brother holding his arms out to hug him.

Elias let his brother hug him as tears fell from his eyes. He was told his brother was dead at the young age of six right before his parents eventually died in a hunting accident. "Y-you're alive?" Elias whispered as he hugged his brother. Memories of the teen playing with him when he was young played in his head as he felt something he hadn't felt since his adoptive parents passed. He felt loved again.

The reunion was cut short as the butler helped Caleb out of the car. Jestion let go of Elias seeing the boy. Elias looked back seeing Caleb looking at the man helping him warily and went over to Caleb. "This is Caleb, he was at that place when I got there." Elias said as he took over helping. Jestion helped Elias bring Caleb inside before signaling to one of the maids.

"Bring some pillows and blankets down to the second sitting room with the big tv and call Heather, tell her to bring Lorenzo and his medical bag." Jestion told the woman as he took over picking Caleb up and taking him to the room. He saw that Elias seemed a little weak and ordered someone to bring them some soup, fruits and crackers. As they propped Caleb up getting him comfortable and set up a table for food Jestion then looked at his brother.

"Do you want some more clothes to change into?" He asked Elias seeing the boy was wearing dirty pajamas. Elias nodded and waited as someone brought him some clean clothes. "Will your friend be okay if I help him change?" Jestion asked Elias before the boy left to the attached bathroom. Elias looked at Caleb and then went to sit beside him to ask. Caleb gave him a nod and Elias went back to his brother. "Just be careful he's really bruised up bad I don't know what they did to him but I don't think I could ever go through that much pain." Elias said sadly as he looked at his little friend.

"He's only fourteen too." Elias added before leaving. Jestion stood in shock after hearing the boy was only fourteen. He stared at Caleb thinking about an old friend of his he'd met through Joseph. The boy then was fourteen, and to this day that boy was still fourteen.




Riley and his men tiredly cleared out the compound taking any evidence to catch Joseph's next move with them. Now that they had Jestion's brother Joseph had no leverage over them. They turned the place upside down before eventually setting it on fire. The group rode off in their seperate directions knowing this was far from the end.

When Riley and Alexi made it back to his house Alexi handed Riley the key to his motorcycle as they walked into the house. "You can stay the night Alexi, you know Jestion wouldn't have it any other way." Riley told the annoying boy as the stood in the kitchen.

"Nah I just graduated college a few weeks ago, I think its time for me to settle somewhere new." Alexi told Riley as he grabbed an apple from the island. Riley nodded knowing that feeling.

"You know, I still need a right hand, and as annoying as you are I would be happy to have that be you." Riley told Alexi. The boy stood still for a minute and shrugged. "Why not, I can put this business degree to use I guess." Alexi agreed. They shook hands before Riley walked towards the door to leave the kitchen. "Let me know if you need help moving, I'll send some men with you." Riley added before leaving to find his fiance.

He was pointed to the second sitting room by his workers and walked in seeing three figures sitting on the couch watching t.v. He walked over seeing his fiance talking with his brother while another boy laid on the couch asleep. "Hello love." He whispered to not wake the boy as he kissed Jestion's head. Jestion leaned back so he could kiss Riley before patting the seat beside him. "Elias, this is my fiance Riley." Jestion introduced the two. Riley held out his hand to shake Elias' hand. "It's nice to finally meet you." Riley smiled at the shy boy as they shook hands. Elias smiled at him, staring at the tattoo on his hand.

As they let go Riley looked at the boy behind Elias confused. "Who's he?" He asked his husband. The boy looked significantly young, but he knew Elias was eighteen and the boy still looked around fifteen so he didn't want to assume. "His name is Caleb, he's fourteen and he was being held by Joseph when he took Elias." Jestion told his fiance, rubbing his hand.

Riley clenched his jaw he couldn't wait to catch that sick fucker. He calmed himself down and nodded, not saying a word as he stood up. "I'm gonna take a shower, we can try to locate his family tomorrow, did you call Heather and Renzo already?" He asked his husband before he walked away. "Yes they'll be here in the morning with the twins. She told me to give him some tylenol and some sleep meds to help with the pain." Jestion informed his fiance. Riley nodded to the left room so the two could continue to talk.




Joseph stared at his burning compound. He sighed holding the young child in his arms. The boy couldn't be anymore than three years old. He had light bruising on his face and was wearing patches over his eyes.

"Your big brother escaped from me with my pretty new toy." He told the little boy. The boy made no move, only jumping when the man poked at him. Joseph sat the toddler in his car slamming the door shut.

"I'll have all of my toys back soon." He promised himself as he got in the car driving away from his old home. 

A/N: I hope everyone is enjoying this story so far! It's barely even started theres so much still to be told. Thanks for coming on this journey with 'THE EASTONS'!

p.s sorry for all the mistakes I'm gonna edit this after i've finished writing it!

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