❪ 004 ❫. tracking down jasper

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         Wells hardened his stare, glancing towards Bellamy. Quinn caught onto what was going on—Bellamy had been taking off the wristbands, wanting the Ark to think they were dead and not come down. Clarke asked how many, how many wristbands they had successfully removed. Murphy was the one to answer. "Twenty-four and counting."

         Kinsley faced her best friend when he answered, slapping him harshly across the shoulder, shaking her head disappointingly at the boy. "You're an idiot, John," she said, switching her gaze to Bellamy. "You all are." Murphy didn't say anything to Kinsley, only clenching his jaw in response.

         "Life support on the Ark is dying!" Clarke came clean, revealing the secret that had gotten her arrested to everyone. "That's why they brought us down here. They need to know the ground is survivable again. And we need their help against whoever is out there," Clarke boasted. "If you take off your wristbands, you're not just killing them ... you're killing us."

          Conflicted expressions plastered through the crowd's faces, which Bellamy took notice of, getting control of the situation as he spoke. "We're stronger than you think." Kinsley couldn't bite back the scoff as the man talked to the juveniles. "Don't listen to her. She's one of the privileged. If they come down, she'll have it good. How many of you can say the same? We can take care of ourselves. That wristband on your arm makes you a prisoner. We are not prisoners anymore! They say they'll forgive your crimes. I say you're not criminals. You're fighters. Survivors! The grounders should worry about us!"

         "Oh, fuck off, Bellamy!" Kinsley exasperated. The cheering of Bellamy's speech died when they heard the girl. Murphy tried to grasp onto Kinsley's arm, yet she pulled herself out of his hold when Bellamy turned around, facing her. She staunched towards the man, a hardened glare set on her face. "How can you say that to us when you weren't originally one of the hundred? You're just a little bitch, who didn't come down here for 'your people' but your sister," Kinsley spat. Bellamy didn't say a word, only staring at her with the same intensity. "You were a fucking cadet once. You're not one of us."

         Kinsley walked away without another word being said, followed by Clarke and Monty, planning to get Jasper back. Quinn, Finn and Octavia stayed behind. Quinn watched Bellamy's vexed expression contort to worry when he peered at his sister, seeing her hold back a wince. Quinn, being the healer she was, still had to talk to Octavia about her wound, yet was reluctant with Bellamy stuck on her side. She took a deep breath and found the courage needed to go up to the Blake siblings.

         Quinn nervously waltzed up to Octavia, feeling Bellamy's eyes linger on the side of her head. "I, uh ..." She took a breath, attempting to ignore Bellamy's protective stare. "If you're having any pain or abnormal symptoms of the wound, like itchiness or any nausea, come to me straight away." Octavia nodded her head in gratitude to the brunette. Quinn returned the gesture, reluctantly turning around, ready to walk away until her name was called. Not by Octavia, but Bellamy.

         Avoiding the want to bite the inside of her cheek, she leisurely faced the man. "You helped my sister?" He asked, almost provocatively. Quinn dipped her head in a small nod, ignoring the man's eyes. He installed sharply. "Thank you." The words that slipped from Bellamy surprised Quinn, yet she held back on showing a reaction. Instead, she lightly smiled and walked away without uttering a word.



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