I answered the call.
Evan: Hey
Me: hey, what's up?
Evan: I was just wondering if you wanted to go on tour with me and cam?
Me: yeah of course, when does it start?
Evan: in about a month, it will last two months, are you still in?
Me:yeah, where do you wanna meet?
Evan: well, your in iowa, but the tour starts in LA, is there anyway that you can fly out to LA?
Me: yeah, also, guess what
Evan: what, I'm scared
Me: there's no need to be scared, but, IM HANGING OUT WITH SAM AND COLBY!
Me: *laughs* so I can just see if I can fly out with them and I can stay somewhere until tour starts, but first I have to ask them
Evan: sounds good, if you want, you can stay with me and cam until tour starts?
Me: yeah, or I can stay with sam and colby if cam doesn't wanna deal with me
Evan: well, the offer will always be up, plus, if cam doesn't wanna deal with you, he's gonna have to suck it up,
Me: yeah, well, it was so good talking to you, but I don't think I should keep sam and colby waiting, but I'll see you soon
Evan: it was so good talking to you too, I'll see you soon, bye
Me: bye
I said then hung up. I walked out and over to the couch with sam and colby. “Who was that?” Colby asked. I responded “Oh, it was evan, from tx2.” “What did he want?” Colby asked starting to get mad. “He wanted to know if I wanted to go on tour with him and cam.” I responded, sitting on the couch next to colby. “Thats cool, when does it start?” Sam asked. “In a month, so I'm gonna have to fly out to LA here soon to meet up with him and catch up,” I said. “Wait, who's cam?” Colby asked. “He's the guitarist for tx2 and is Evan's best friend, I might fly out in a couple days and stay with them until tour starts,” I responded. “Uhm, you can just fly out with us and stay with us?” Colby asked starting to get jealous. “Yeah, I might, just so they don't get sick of me, staying with them for three months straight might end up bad,” I said, I laughed getting up. “I have to go call someone, I'll be right back,” I said. I called cam. His contact name is ‘Cammy wammy’ with a funny picture evan took and sent it to me. Evan's was ‘frogman’ with a picture of him in a frog hat. Cam picked up almost instantly.
Cam: yo, hayden, whats up?
Me: hey, I just wanted to tell you I will be flying out to LA in a couple days to catch up a little before tour
Cam: nice, I can't wait to see you, do you have somewhere to stay? If not then you can stay with me and evan?
Me: I have somewhere to stay, thanks though, I just figured I should call you and tell you, I've already bothered evan enough today
Cam: yeah, feel free to call me whenever you want to, anything interesting happen lately?
Me: uhm, do you want good news or bad news first?
Cam: uhmmmmm, good news first
Me: I'm thinking of moving to LA, I just thought of it, I haven't even told Evan yet
Cam: Really?! I'm so excited!
Me:*laughs* yeah, it seems like the better choice
Cam:  the bad news?
Me: uhm, my dad, died, this morning
Cam: oh my God, I'm so so sorry hayden, me and evan are here for you if you need us
Me: thank you cam, I hope the tour will take my mind off it
I said walking back to sam and colby
Cam: yeah, I hope it does too, is there anything else?
Me: yeah, one more thing, you know those youtubers me and evan are obsessed with?
Cam: sam and colby?
Me: yeah, I'm hanging out with them right now
Cam: that's so cool, evan would freak out
Me: yeah, I know, once I told him, he seriously screamed
Cam: so that's why I heard him scream *laughs*
Me: yeah, well, it was so good talking to you, but I have to go, I will see you soon, bye
Cam: bye
I hung up. “Now who was that?” Colby asked starting to get mad. “I'm sorry, it was cam, I called him to tell him about the tour, I'm sorry I keep leaving you guys,” I said feeling guilty. “No, it's OK, what do you wanna do?” Sam asked. “I don't care, what do you guys wanna do?” I asked. “Well, since we already filmed the videos and we leave in 2 days, I say we just go explore Des Moines, and you can show us some secret spots” sam suggested. “sure, also, I might move to LA, but, I don't know yet,” I said, walking out of the apartment. “That's cool, if you are, you can stay with us and we can get a uhaul for your stuff?” Sam asked. “Is that ok? Just until I get on my feet, I promise I won't stay forever” I said, laughing nervously. “Yeah, thats fine, I can call a uhaul tomorrow and stuff,” Sam responded. “Thank you” I responded
“CAM!” I yelled and ran towards him. He turned around. “HAYDEN!” he yelled and started to run towards me. We hugged. He picked me up and spun me around. He put me down and I looked toward sam and colby. Sam was grabbing our bags. Colby just looked jealous and hurt. What was his deal?
“Where's evan?” I asked cam. “He had to stay at the house to prepare for tour and get everything set up,” he responded. “Oh, I can't wait to see him, I haven't seen you guys since the show” I said bringing cam towards sam and colby. “So, these are the famous sam and colby Evan's always talking about?” cam said. “yep, sam, colby, this is cam” I said pointing to cam. “cam, this is sam” I said pointing to sam. “And colby” I said pointing to colby. “It's nice to meet you guys” cam said and shook their hands. “What are you to hayden?” Colby asked, obviously pissed off. “Were friends, best friends at that,” cam said kinda intimidated by colby. “I've known cam since the 8th grade, we've been friends since, why does it matter what he is to me?” I asked Colby. “I was just wondering” Colby said and looked away “well, it was nice meeting you cam, me and colby have to head home, hayden, you can hang out with cam if you want? I can put your stuff in the guest bedroom?” Sam asked. “Yeah, that would be great, thank you,” I said to sam. “Bye guys, I will see you here soon” I said to sam and colby while walking to cams car. “What was that about?” Cam asked once we got in the car. “What was what about?” I asked cam. “That colby dude? He seemed like he didn't really like me,” cam said starting his car. “Oh, uhm, we kissed a couple of times, so I guess he thinks we are dating and I will ‘cheat’ on him with you,” I said. “Oh, do you like him? Like, if he asked you out would you say yes?” Cam asked. “Well, if he keeps treating you like this, then no, but, I don't know, he's been my celebrity crush since I started watching them,” I sighed. “I'm just saying, i don't want you to get hurt, remember what happened last time you fell for the wrong guy?” Cam asked. “Yeah, I know, I just, I think this might be different, you know?” I said. “Yeah, but he's also famous, you don't really like being the center of attention,” cam said looking at me. “Yeah, I guess I will see how it plays out, if I end up dating him or not, but I know it will be ok, because I have you and evan,” I said. “Yeah, also, are you moving to LA?” Cam asked. “Yep, after tour, I'm gonna stay with sam and colby until I find a place, but if anything goes wrong with me and colby, is it ok if I could move in with you and evan?” I asked. “Yeah, of course, you can always stay with us,” Cam said. “Thanks cammy” I said as I let my hand up for a high five. “No problem wolfden” cam said and gave me a high five. “I forgot about that nickname,” I laughed. “Yeah, evan calls you hay bail” cam said then laughed. “Seriously?” I said. We got to their house and got out. “Shhh, I'm gonna surprise him, you go up there and tell him I changed my mind, then I'll pop out and surprise him,” I told cam. He nodded his head. We walked in and I hid behind a door. “Hey evan” cam said as he walked to Evan's room. “Hey man, where's hayden?” Evan asked looking around, he looked kinda sad. “Oh, she changed her mind and stayed in iowa, sorry dude” cam said as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Oh, I was really looking forward to seeing her,” evan said as he looked down to his feet. “Well, look forward then” I said as i went behind him and hugged him. “HAYDEN!” evan screamed, he got out of his chair and hugged me. “It's so good to see you, you look different since I saw you at the show,” he said looking at me. “Yeah, I cut and dyed my hair, does it look good?” I asked evan. “It looks amazing!” Evan said. “What do you guys wanna do?” I asked them. “Uhmmm, we can go over the plan for the tour? And then we can go out to eat somewhere?” Cam suggested. “Let's do it,” I said and sat next to evan. “OK, So, for the first month of the tour, we will be an opener for magnolia park, we will also be opening with 408 and poptropicaslutz,” evan said looking at his computer. “MAGNOLIA PARK?! REALLY?!” I asked super excited. “Yep, I know your a big fan of them, so that's why I invited you,” evan looked at me and smiled. “I'm so excited!” I said. “Then the other half of the tour, we will be doing a headline tour, the headline tour will be on the eastcoast, while the mag park will be on the westcoast,” evan said. I felt eyes on me, but I didn't know where. I looked around and saw cam staring at me. “What? Is my hair messed up?” I asked. “No, your hairs fine,” cam said still staring at me. I looked over at evan. “Where do you guys wanna eat?” I asked, trying to ignore the feeling of cams eyes. If I'm being honest, I have had a crush on cam since we became friends. That's why I don't know how I feel about colby. I dated one dude in high school to try and get my mind off cam. But, once we broke up, cam helped me get through it. That's when I knew I was in love. So, with what happened with colby, I don't know how to feel.

Sooooooo, how do you feel abt this? Hayden having a crush on Cam but also having something going on with Colby. This isn't the part I'm scared of, it's the next.😶 Team Cam or Team Colby!!! Love ya🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

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