Chapter 1: Crimson Tears

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The title is from Taylor Swift's song, Love Story.

Sehan Lee was only four years old when his life fell apart

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Sehan Lee was only four years old when his life fell apart.

He had been born as the only son to the head of the Crimson Family, the royal family of the Kingdom of Yeongdeungpo, therefore making him the crown prince. Unfortunately, that also meant he would inevitably be involved in extremely dangerous conflicts despite only being a child.

One tragic night, the Manwol Family, one of the most powerful noble families in the kingdom, launched a coup d'état. Sehan didn't understand what was happening when he was awakened by someone kicking his bedroom door open. He screamed when one of the men swung his sword at him and he fell out of his bed.

"MOM! DAD!" Sehan screamed for help.

"Help ain't coming, kid," The man laughed. "Your parents are already dead! Just stay still and I'll end you quickly!"

Sehan dodged the blade again. He found himself backed into a corner and clenched his eyes shut, wishing that everything was all just a nightmare and that he'd wake up to his parents alive and well. As the man prepared to kill him, one of the royal palace guards arrive and struck him down.

"Prince Sehan!" The guard grabbed Sehan, jumped down from the balcony which was fortunately only on the second floor, and set him down on the ground. He shook the boy and forced him to open his eyes to reality. "Prince Sehan, you need to escape! Run away and don't look back!"

"But what about my mom and dad!?" Sehan exclaimed.

"They're dead, Prince Sehan!" The guard told him. "I'm so sorry...but we couldn't protect them. But you must escape and live on and one day, in the future, you'll be able to retake what is rightfully yours,"

"Where do I go?" Sehan asked. He didn't have any other relatives aside from his parents.

"I don't know," The guard answered honestly. "But you need to run. Anywhere but here is fine. Now go, Prince Sehan! Run away while I continue holding these guys off!"

Sehan ran. He continued to run as tears streamed down his face and his his legs burned and his chest ached. He continued running through the city but once he tripped and fell down, he found that he didn't have any strength to continue forward. He forced himself to crawl into the shadows of an alley.

He clamped a hand over his mouth to keep himself silent when he heard people running down the streets in search of him, the last remaining member of the royal family. Sehan wanted to continue crying and sob his heart out, but he forced himself to stay silent and hidden.


Sehan woke up in an unknown place. He was lying in a soft bed and his wounds had been treated. He sat up and furrowed his brows. "Where am I?" He winced and put a hand to his head.

"You're awake," A boy around Sehan's age stood at the doorway. He had grey hair and bright purple eyes. "My dads just finished preparing breakfast. Can you walk?"

Sehan nodded. He carefully got out of the bed and followed the boy to the kitchen where two men had set the table for four people. The taller of the two had reddish brown hair, grey eyes, and glasses. The other man had pale skin, platinum blonde hair, and red eyes.

"How are you feeling?" The blonde asked as he motioned for Sehan to take a seat at the table.

"My head hurts," Sehan said as he sat down. He stared at the plate of cream stew in front of him and took a small, hesitant bite. He realized that it tasted delicious and took another bite and then another. Before he knew it, he had finished the entire plate and had a full belly.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" The man with glasses asked.

Sehan tried to recall the previous events. He furrowed his brows and clenched his eyes shut. "I...I can't remember. I-It's all a blur!" His eyes shot open with fear. "I...I can't even remember my own name! What happened!? Why can't I remember!?"

"Hey, hey," The blonde man gently said. "It's going to be alright, okay?"

Tears of frustration began to stream down the child's cheeks. "I'm so confused a-and I can't remember anything! I'm scared!"

"How about we give you a new name for now until you can remember your old one?" The blonde man suggested. "How about...Forrest?"

"Forrest?" Sehan asked. The name reminded him of the forest. Although he couldn't recall his memories, the thought of a calm picnic is a peaceful forest seemed so beautiful and felt right. "I like that name. My name is Forrest,"

"We found you unconscious in an alley," The blonde informed. "My name is Donald Na-Kwan. This man over here is my husband, Kingsley. The boy is our son, Gray,"

"What's going to happen to me?" Forrest asked.

"If you'd like, you can join our family," Donald offered.

Forrest had nowhere to go and was terrified to be alone so he quickly accepted the offer. Donald hugged him gently as the poor child sobbed.


"That boy is Prince Sehan Lee, the last remaining member of the Crimson Royal Family," Kingsley told Donald that night after tucking in their two sons into bed.

"I heard about the coup d'état," Donald nodded. "His parents and the servants and guard loyal to the Crimson Family were all slaughtered,"

"Why did you act like you didn't know who he was?" Kingsley inquired. "Why didn't you just tell him his identity?"

"I want him to be able to live a normal childhood," Donald answered. "One without the fear of being captured and killed by the Manwol Family. I want him to be able to live like a child,"

"We'll have to make sure he keeps his hair down rather than styling it into the signature Crimson Family spiky hairstyle," Kingsley said. They were also fortunate that red hair was a common hair color in Yeongdeungpo so they didn't need to worry about dyeing it.

"I know that we'll eventually have to tell him about his past," Donald sighed. "But let's wait until his seventeenth birthday. By then he'll be old enough to handle the truth,"

Word Count: 1012

Forrest's hair isn't gonna be spikey since I made the spikey hairstyle to be a common one amongst the Crimson Family. His hairstyle is going to be similar to Gray's, although a bit messier.

This fanfic is based more off of the Romeo X Juliet anime rather than the original play. I'm not including the whole Escalus tree thing because I wasn't a fan of that. Also, rather than falling in love at first sight, Forrest/Sehan and Myles/Seungjin will actually become friends first.

I'm planning for this story to have between five and ten chapters.

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