Chapter 56

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(lol. Sorry for the late update. But I did post a longer chapter. I have to get my wisdom teeth out so I'll be trying.😂 Hope you guys have had a great new years!)

It all happened so fast last night. Everything that happened, I never expected. When Johnny held me in his arms. When I breathed in his scent. It did set off a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time. When he pulled away, I just wanted to hold him again.

"Y/n?" There was a knock on my door.

Sitting up, I stretched, heading to open the door, "Coming." When I opened my door, Mom stood there with a smile and a tray in her hand.

"I made you breakfast so you don't have to rush for school." She walked past me and laid it on my bed.

I turned around, my eyes following her movements, "Aww Mom you shouldn't have."

"I wanted to," she came over and planted a kiss on my cheek, "I have to ask you something."

I hummed in response, as I began eating the piece of toast off of the napkin.

"Why did Johnny bring you home? I thought Ali and you went out." She looked concerned.

"Well. I saw an old friend and we went to the beach party some people from school were throwing," I admitted, "Johnny brought me home."

She furrowed her brows in confusion, "I thought you didn't talk to each other no more?"

"We don't," I bit my lip, "things just happened and my ride couldn't help me out."

She nodded. Mom didn't believe it. She saw right through me. But the thing was, I was telling her the truth. Just not the full story and it was best that it stayed that way.

"Alright, eat up and hurry for school. We have plans later as well."

"Wait," I swallowed my food, "What plans?"

"You will see." She wakes out of my room, shutting the door behind her.

I closed my eyes and sighed, "Alright..." I said to myself.


"Thanks for the ride Ali, I appreciate it." I thanked her.

She smiled and put her car in park, "It's fine. Don't worry about it."

We both got out of the car and shut the door behind us. Throwing my book bag in my back, Ali followed after me.

"So." She broke the silence as we walked.


She grinned to herself, "What happened with Landen last night?"

I looked over towards her and frowned, "It didn't go how you think it did."

Her expression dropped, "What do you mean?"

I sighed revisiting the memories from last night, "Look how about we talk about it later tonight? I say that because I don't want to worry through school and after I'm busy my mom says."

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