"Good." I nodded and opened the report. Amanda left.

I pushed the party from my mind and focused on work. Social events weren't my thing. If it wasn't absolutely necessary, I usually sent my apologies, and a hefty check if it was a charity event.

But my father had insisted I be present this evening. All the big names in New York were in attendance. He probably wanted to introduce me to someone business related.

So I had to attend, because my father rarely bothered with me outside of work.


"How long are you staying this time?" Jordan asked.

I swirled the liquid in my glass and looked around the busy banquet hall. It was a little too busy for my taste, but everyone in attendance was an important figure. It was a good opportunity to get back to social life in NY after being absent for the last couple of years.

"Longer," I replied. "Hopefully."

Jordan raised his brows and leaned against the bar next to me, both of us facing the crowd. Extravagant jewelry and sequined dresses sparkled under the ballroom's chandeliers. I'd forgotten how most Americans loved flaunting their wealth in comparison to England. Or perhaps it was just my social circle.

"Jeremy is transferring here, right? How is he taking that?"

I smiled. "I was worried he was going to throw a fit, but so far he seems to like it."

"Hmm, that's what Lia told me," Jordan said, his sharp eyes warming at the mention of his daughter. "You should bring him over more often. Jenny's orders."

"Sure," I said. "She still hasn't gotten rid of your ass yet? Tell her I'll be waiting for the day she comes to her senses and serves you your divorce paper."

Jordan chuckled. "Go to hell."

My smile widened to a grin, though deep inside, the longing I had for a warm family only intensified. I was honest enough with myself to admit I envied my friend's stable life.

Jordan had married Jenny seven years ago. They had their daughter Lia not long after, and their relationship only seemed to strengthen as the years went by. I had thought I'd be well established into a happily married life by the age of thirty four. Yet here I was.

Two young men stopped at the bar next to us. I recognized one of them as the heir to one of the oldest hotel chains in the U.S.

"I'm telling you, she's cold as f***, man!" the guy told his friend, sounding like an excited puppy. Jordan glanced at me and hid a smile behind his drink.

"I wonder what she'll be like... you know..." his friend replied, making a gesture with his hands. If these boys' mothers saw how they acted in public, they would have an aneurysm.

The two boys snickered. "I bet your d*ck will freeze off."

I turned my head and caught the boy's eyes. They widened, and his face flushed. He whispered something to his friend, and the two scurried off.

"Kids these days..." I shook my head.

"I don't suppose it's any better in Europe, is it?" Jordan asked.

"Nope," I replied. "Entitled young assholes are everywhere."

Jordan raised his glass at that.

"Ah, so that's who they're talking about," Jordan suddenly said.

I frowned, following Jordan's gaze. "Who?"

"Owens. Black dress, brown hair." Jordan nodded his chin to the side. "Also known as the Ice Queen."

Loving the Ice QueenWhere stories live. Discover now