Chapter 7: Moonlit Pursuit.

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Seraphina's perspective:

I just wrapped up my training with Professor Greyback, and I couldn't ignore the ache in my backside from the numerous tumbles I endured. Professor Greyback hinted at something extraordinary within me, a notion I can't dismiss. What adds to the complexity is the inexplicable connection that has blossomed between us.

Yet, I struggle with conflicting emotions, grappling with the uncharted territory of a student finding herself dawning on her teacher. It's an unexpected dance of feelings that I can't quite comprehend.

"No, I haven't articulated these sentiments aloud, and I..." My thoughts trailed off as I spotted Swan in the distance. What on earth was she doing? It looked like she was dancing as if she were at a grand ball. "Swan?" I called out, and to my surprise, she turned around and enveloped me in a big hug.

Perplexed, I gently pushed her away, a bemused expression on my face. "Swan, did you eat some love chocolate or something?" I inquired, trying to make sense of her unusual behavior.

"Oh, Seraphina, I'm so in love!" Swan exclaimed, twirling around and holding her skirt like a princess. "You are?" I asked, well aware that she had been infatuated with Aiden for the past three or five years.

"Oh, yes, yes, I am," she replied, her words accompanied by a blissful mumble and a bit of singing. It all clicked into place for me. "Swan, did something happen between you and Aiden?" I inquired, and she turned to me with a quick, blush-filled glance. Of course, I was right.

She drew close to me and hesitated before saying, "He..." I raised an eyebrow, silently urging her to continue. "Well, he... um, he," she stammered. "He, he, he  "what?!" I impatiently prodded.

"He called me beautiful," she finally confessed, tucking her head into her hoodie. She began to walk, only to collide with a painting. I heard the painting complain, "Watch it!" Swan quickly lifted her head and offered a sincere apology.

"Well, that's a refreshing change, and I'm genuinely thrilled you lifted my spirits. My butt pain seems to have magically disappeared." I grinned, holding Swan's hands. "Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you, we need to tell Cho" I exclaimed.

"Tell Cho what?" a voice interrupted. I turned around to find none other than Professor Harbinger Thornfield, the not-so-likeable instructor of Arcane Runes and Cryptic Spells. "Tell Cho that some people find it hard to mind their own business," I responded, a smirk playing on my lips as I observed the irritation on his face.

Before Professor Thornfield could retort, Swan smoothly stepped on my shoe and interjected, "Professor Thornfield, you've caught us en route to our dorm, and it's getting late. Seraphina, what time is it? Oh, wow, it's 8, and we have classes tomorrow. Good night, Professor Thornfield" Without waiting for his reply, Swan deftly pushed me away, leaving the professor agitated in our wake.

"Have you lost your mind? Do you want us expelled?" Swan shouted at me, attempting to keep our conversation private. "Bloody hell, Swan, I just said what a lot of people wanted to say to him," I replied, as we continued our conversation. She turned to face me, stopping on the stairs.

"They didn't say it because they didn't want to get expelled. Watch your mouth" Swan advised again, emphasizing the potential consequences. The discussion continued until we reached our dorm, where we found Cho brushing her hair.

The moment we entered, Cho jumped from her place, clearly agitated. "Where the heck were you two? Blimey, Professor McGonagall was about to send out a search party for you Swan" Cho exclaimed.

"Well, I was having classes with Professor Greyback" I replied, taking a seat on my bed and removing my shoes. Cho then turned her attention to Swan, and there was a moment of hesitation before I chimed in, "And Mrs. Wintersang here was with that jungle boy, Aiden" Cho looked at me and then back at Swan. "Okay?" she said with a smile as she settled onto her bed. "Tell me more."

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