Chapter 5: Beyond Tears: A Shared Silence.

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Amidst the enchanted tapestry of Hogwarts, Swan, an ethereal presence with an alabaster complexion reminiscent of freshly fallen snow, adorned lashes as white as winter's frost, and cascading hair that mirrored the purity of a blizzard. A lineage tracing back to the mythical Princes of Swans bestowed her with an ethereal charm that set her apart. However, within the spectral beauty, shadows of a tumultuous past loomed. Born to an evil queen mother, Swan's childhood was a dance on the edge of cruelty, with three elder siblings embodying the icy legacy bestowed upon her family.

The oppressive weight of an accidental birth earned Swan the ire of her mother, the Queen of Swans, creating a rift that cast a long shadow over her formative years. Yet, within the embrace of Hogwarts, Swan found refuge in the arcane wonders of magic. The enchanted halls became a sanctuary, offering respite from the chilling currents of her past. Her gentle spirit endured, a silent testament to resilience amidst adversity.

As the chapters of her life unfolded, Swan's heart discovered a melody unheard by others — the sweet strains of love. For over three years, an unspoken affection for Aiden, a boy whose warmth thawed the icy remnants of her past, nestled within her heart like the delicate plume of a swan's feather. The unconfessed longing added depth to her gaze, a silent dance of emotions beneath her regal exterior. Swan's journey through Hogwarts became a delicate balancing act, navigating the currents of enchantment, past scars, and the unspoken desires that stirred whenever Aiden graced her world. In this magical realm, Swan, the Princes of Swans, unfolded her wings, embracing the complexities of love amidst the enduring echoes of her storied lineage.

Swan's perspective:

Within the concealed alcove, bathed in the muted glow of Hogwarts' ancient stones, I found solace amidst the ebb and flow of the bustling corridors. The small wall, a veil of privacy, became my sacred theater, where the intricate drama of unspoken love unfolded before my eyes.

From this vantage point, I observed Aiden as he traversed the lively conversations and laughter that permeated the air. His every movement, a delicate dance of grace, held me captive in a clandestine enchantment. As my hidden gaze lingered on the poetry of his existence, I couldn't help but converse with myself, as if the very stones absorbed the echoes of my lovestruck musings.

"Oh, Aiden" I murmured softly, the words forming a symphony only the bricks could hear. "Your laughter, a melodious refrain that reverberates in the chambers of my heart. Each word you utter, a sonnet etched upon the parchment of my affection. How do I articulate the enchantment you've woven around the corridors of my soul?"

My fingers traced intricate patterns on the cool stones, an artistic expression of the sentiments that pulsed within. The invisible verses of my unspoken poetry unfolded, a testament to the profound depths of my feelings. In the sacred space between the hidden alcove and reality, I surrendered to the whims of my heart, caught in the ethereal dance of unspoken love.

The small wall, an unassuming witness to the theater of emotions, stood resilient in preserving the secrets of my heart's confessions. It became the keeper of whispers, carrying the unvoiced melodies of my affections into the unseen echoes of Aiden's realm.

The clandestine enclave where I often found myself, hidden behind a small wall, served as my sanctuary—a realm of secret longing. Lost in the silent symphony of my own thoughts, the distant echoes of reality were abruptly shattered by an unexpected intrusion. Cho, a specter of disruption, materialized with a swift swing of her book, yanking me from the embrace of my daydreams. "AH!" I landed on my knees, a startled cry escaping my lips, and Cho, with an arched eyebrow, surveyed me with knowing scrutiny.

"Cho, you scared me!" I protested, attempting to divert her attention from the true focal point of my distracted musings. Cho, however, remained resolute, her gaze piercing through my feeble denials. "You're stalking Aiden again, aren't you?"

Cursed EchoesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora