Clarke nodded her head along with Quinn. The McKenna girl hadn't noticed the stares of admiration when she spoke, truly speaking about things that she knew well of and was passionate about. Quinn was definitely made to be a medic, not fitting in any other department. "Anyways," Clarke continued, "the guard showed up before we could. That's why today. That's why it was worth the risk. Even if we all die, at least they bought themselves some more time."

"They're going to kill more people," Monty inquired, "aren't they?"

Clarke didn't reply, giving them all the answers that they dreaded. All but Octavia seemingly as she jumped forward. "Good. After what they did to me, I say float them all." As the Blake girl rushed forward, Jasper followed after her, stating how she didn't mean it. Not even Kinsley could agree. Despite the council and their malicious acts of executing people for the smallest of reasons, there were people on the Ark who didn't deserve to die. A certain brunette popped into her mind, causing the girl to shake herself out of her thoughts and run to catch up with Jasper and Octavia.

Monty and Quinn stayed together whilst Finn gently grasped onto Clarke's arm, the blonde spinning to face him as they lightly spoke amongst themselves. Monty and Quinn absentmindedly glanced at each other knowingly when the two walked off, quietly laughing between the two. It felt good to Quinn as she started to grow more comfortable with the people she undertook this journey with. Now knowing she had people she could rely on whilst being on the ground, Quinn didn't feel as fearful as she did when they first landed.

"Damn," Jasper boasted, "I love Earth." Quinn raised her brows, following Jasper's line of sight to where Octavia was pulling off her pants over the edge of a cliff. Kinsley stood next to her, cheering her on. As Clarke called out, asking what she was doing, Octavia only glanced back, smirking at the others watching the scene beyond them. Without any verbal reply, Octavia leapt off the ledge. Kinsley only smiled at the action, whereas the others rushed forward worriedly.

Similar expressions laced their faces like Kinsley when they saw Octavia with her head poking out of the water, her eyes holding a humorous glint. "Octavia. We can't swim," Monty informed.

Octavia shrugged her shoulder. "No, but we can stand." As she said the words, Octavia stood where she was perfectly levelled with the water. Growing up in the Ark with no source of water to learn how to swim, none of them knew how. But now landing on the ground, allowed them to learn. Just as always, Clarke was concerned, noting how a river wasn't supposed to be here, which Finn only lightened the mood, telling the girl to start taking her clothes off.

Quinn didn't make any movements on taking off her clothes, not being interested in dipping in the water just yet, no matter how exciting it was. The others were quick to pull off their clothes, having difficulty containing the eagerness on getting to feel the water against their skin, have the waves run through their hair and clean off the dirt ridding their bodies. Jasper suddenly stopped his movements, squinting his eyes as he peered deeper into the body of water. "Octavia, get out of the water," the boy warned, catching everyone's attention.

They gazed at where he was staring, with fear laced in his eyes, seeing how the water was manipulated into waves as a large figure began hurdling towards Octavia. The Blake girl turned, her breath hitching at the sight of the creature fastly swimming towards her, and a scream ripped from her lungs as she was pulled underneath.

Quinn couldn't help the startled sound leaving her lips at the sight, a hand rushing to cover her mouth in surprise. Everyone's eyes were wide, holding onto their breaths as Octavia was nowhere to be seen. None of them moved, feeling paralysed with fear, being clueless about what to do in a situation like this. They didn't know what had grabbed Octavia, nor did they know how the creatures worked from Earth. They did not know how to help Octavia, who hadn't come out of the water since being pulled under.

MAY WE MEET AGAIN ━━ 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝟏𝟎𝟎जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें