Chapter Five: The Korean Gamer and The Japanese Kirby Fangirl

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(when our heroes arrived at Cabbage Cavern...)

Cheyenne: Okay, we might be looking for some clues on how to find the next two shards. Come on!

(so everyone began exploring Cabbage Cavern to look for some clues. As Kiriko was also exploring, she suddenly encounters a young brown-haired and blue-eyed boy that was her age and was from South Korea, unlike her who was from Japan. He was playing on his own Nintendo Switch, he wore glasses and headphones with a mic. Kiriko was instantly smitten by that boy, but the boy immediately paused his game and looked at Kiriko)

Korean gamer boy: Oh, uh, hi!

Kiriko: Um... I'm... Kiriko Hoshino... Kirby fangirl from Japan...

Korean gamer boy: Oh! I'm Eun-Woo Gyeong! I'm a gamer from South Korea!

Kiriko: Oh, I'm so sorry I ran into you all of the sudden! My daddy never let me have a boyfriend until I'm 30! You're so kawaii!

Eun-Woo: Oh, I heard about you! You got all of those video game and Nintendo characters to the Cheyenneverse with that pink puffball you love so much and became the new Heroine of Dream Land! Is that true?

Kiriko: Oh yeah... Wait, you know Kirby?

Eun-Woo: Yeah, I heard all about his amazing adventures! I heard he was extremely popular in your country! Hey, he was very popular in my country too!

Kiriko: Wait, he was popular from where you live too?

Eun-Woo: Well, not as much as in your country, but yeah, he's very popular! Hey, do you want to play a game with me after your adventure?

(Cheyenne then notices Kiriko talking to her new crush, then she runs up to her friend to get her attention)

Cheyenne: Kiriko! Earth to Kiriko!

Kiriko: Oh, uh, hey, Chey!

Cheyenne: Kiriko, who the heck is this boy?

Eun-Woo: Oh, I'm a gamer from South Korea! I'm Eun-Woo Gyeong!

Cheyenne: Oh, cute name! Anyways, come on! We have to find that clue! And Kiriko, take that boy with you!

Kiriko: Oh, okay! And yes, I will play with you, my kawaii Eun-Woo!

Cheyenne: Focus!

Kiriko: Okay, okay!

(so they went off to continue finding clues for the next two shards hidden in Peppermint Palace and Candy Constellation by Wiz, Master Hand, and Crazy Hand... but suddenly... they discover something on the ground... it was a huge folded piece of paper. When Cheyenne sees it, she picks it up)

Cheyenne: Hmm... there must be a note within it...

(so she unfolds the paper, opening it... and there comes a spoiler when she reads it...)

Cheyenne: "There are more locations within the Mirror World where the mirror can be restored. Carrot Castle... Olive Ocean... and... Radish Ruins... Press the buttons scattered around to find these locations within these mirrors... because all mirrors lead to one of these locations"? Wait, we might have already done that to the ones we explored right? Because I don't think we explored these places yet, especially not Peppermint Palace where we have to find the third shard.

Daphne: I think one of the Kirby Cloness pressed all these buttons.

The Four Kirby Clones: Poyo?

Cheyenne: Wait, who is pressing these buttons for more mirrors? Now we're just gonna get in another wild mirrored goose chase, this time, even bigger!

Daphne: Well, we can get in much wild goose chases as much as we can in this world! It just doesn't make any sense, but in a good way!

Cheyenne: Oh boy... here we go again...

(so... our heroes went on another wild mirrored goose in other locations, collecting for more useful clues... just until they get to Peppermint Palace...)

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