'And your face - Where is your makeup! You didn't even brush your hair! And-'

'Shut up.' I cut her off, offending her on every level. 'I did not ask for your opinion nor for your observation, nor I require them. I certainly don't respect them. You will either accept this, or I'm not going at all. The offer exiper in about 10 seconds.'

'Don't be foolish and hardheaded! You can't look like that when you are supposed to get engaged!' She scoffs again, gesturing at me up and down

'He should know what I look like day to day. Get used to it and all.'

'You look like death!' She nearly cried, and it was kind of amusing

'I feel like one. And unless you stop nagging, I am going to commit murder and have your death on my hands. Now what's it gonna be?'

She was taken aback with my attitude, wanting to fire back but had nothing to say.

'Let's stop losing time and head out. We are going to be late.' My father stated and walked out in front of us

I hope he drives off the cliff.


'Don't you look... dashing.' Namjoon was trolling the shit out of me, stiffling his snickering

'I call this 'get used to it' look.' I smile sarcastically

'Honestly, not half bad. I bet it's comfier than that.' He whispered the last part pointing at my mother who was wiggling in her dress like fish in a fishnet

'Can we just... like run? I don't feel like eating.'

'Yeah, I was gonna ask if you wanna hide away. Not even joking right now, you look ready to go to bed. As in you look tired as fuck.' 

'I am.'

'Got you, buddy. Sorry, everyone, I'll be stealing her for tonight. We will see you later.' He didn't even wait for an answer and instead grabbed me and ran

Our usual spot was awaiting for us. The balcony overseeing the massive garden, and showered in moonlight. Romantic. What irony.

And as per usual, first thing he did was put a cigarette between his lips and lit it up.
'So, wanna tell me what happened?'

'It turned out I'm not always right.' 

'About what exactly?'

'He doesn't love me. I thought he did, but-' I got choked up on my words and just stopped speaking

'I think I got the point.' He mumbled when he realized that I was quietly sobbing. I thought I cried it all out, but I guess that's just another thing that I was wrong about.

'I just need his name and address. I haven't fought in a while, though, so I hope he's weak and all-'

'Idiot.' I snort through my sobs

'Look, Shinae, I've known you for ages. If this guy doesn't want you, he is an absolute idiot and he doesn't deserve you.'

'That's... that's not even it, Joon. I have this stupid feeling that tells me that he's lying to me, and it's killing me.'

'Why would he lie, though? As hard and as tough as it is to hear it, maybe he just doesn't-' He stopped himself when he realized what he said

'I could be wrong, and he really doesn't. But only hours before he said he doesn't love me, he nearly told me he did, while we were still in court. It just makes no sense.' 

'Okay, I understood like 3 percent of everything you just said. You gotta stop wheezing. And drooling.' He made some disgusted face and threw a napkin at me. I know it's just his way of making things better, though.

'It doesn't even matter anymore. It's done.' 

'You give up? Just like that?' He asked in surprise

'I can't force someone to want me, Joon. I can only make him hate me, and I would rather not do that.' I sniffle

'Right.' He sighed and gave up. 'I spoke to Misoo. I explained it all to her. She is still scared.' He leaned back, sighing in defeat

'Do you mind if I talk to her? I'm good at persuading people.'

'I don't wanna have to persuade her, Shinae. I want her to do it because she wants to, not because I'm forcing her to.'

'But you are okay to marry me, and instead leave her?'

'I never said I wanted to marry you. You shoved us both into shit.'

'And I'm trying to get us out, so grab a shovel and start helping me dig the way out of the said shit.'

'Very poetic.' He made some sarcastic grimace

'Fine. I'll... I'll talk to her again. And if it doesn't work, you can try. But what are we going to do until then? We are like supposed to get engaged tonight and shit.'

'I guess we are engaged then. Until we solve this shit.'

'Please don't make me get down on one knee. I have white trousers.' He pointed to his trousers

'Please don't even think about it.'

'Thank god. Here. I want it back, though.' He tossed me a box from where he was sitting, and I opened it to find a sparkly ring

'Please don't tell me this is hers. I am so not wearing her ring.'

'You mental? I'm not giving you her ring. I got that bad boy right here.' He grins and passed me another box, showing me the ring with possibly the biggest diamond I've ever seen. 

'That is a fucking satelite, Joon.'

'She deserves a lot more than a mere ring.' He smiled fondly, passing his finger over ring. It's nice at least someone is happy in their love life. If we ignore that he's engaged to someone else at the moment.

'It actualy fits.' I kind of chuckled when I put it on, feeling weirded out to have a ring on my finger

'Good. I am so not spending more money on you.' He jokes

'I'll pay it back, don't worry.'

'I paid like 30 dollars for it.' He snickers

'It's nice to be appreciated.' I roll my eyes

'Shut it, woman. If I saw you on the street I would put 30 dollars in your cup because I'd think you're homeless.'

'I'm so filing for divorce.'

My Little Miss Lawyer |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now